U.S. Kangaroo Court orders Iran to pay for 9/11 damagesAccording to this article a US Kangaroo Court has ordered Iran to pay $6 billion for the damages caused by the 9/11 attacks.I have a few questions on this!!! I thought that George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan because he blamed them for 9/11. I wonder how come this kangaroo court didn't order Afghanistan to pay part of the $6 billion settlement? Perhaps because Afghanistan is now a puppet government run by the American Empire? And how come the kangaroo court didn't order Iraq to pay part of the $6 billion settlement? Oh, that's right, we invaded Iraq not because of 9/11, but because of those bogus, non-existent weapons of mass destruction or WMDs. Why didn't the kangaroo court order Saudi Arabia to pay part of the $6 billion settlement? I thought almost all of the people who hijacked the planes involved in 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia? Oh, the members of the Saudi royalty are good buddies with the American rulers? I guess that is why! And why on earth did this kangaroo court order Iran to pay $6 billion. I don't ever remember Iran being accused of 9/11??? Maybe the American Empire is planning on invading Iran and the court order will give Emperor Obama a lame excuse for the invasion! I suspect this is all about politics, rather then justice. Pakistan food - Zaidi's GrillPAKISTAN - Zaidi's GrillWhat's a major difference between Pakistani and Indian cuisine? Beef. Proscribed in Hindu India, it's a major protein in Pakistan. Pakistani cooks feature it in a variety of ways, in stews like beef nihari in a lushly spiced sauce, and in kebabs showcasing ground beef (seekh) and butter-soft beef bihari. It's even an understated part of haleem, a thick blend of lentils and barley. If beef doesn't set you afire, maybe the yogurt-simmered chicken qorma will.
1617 N. Granite Reef Road
480-947-4435 2 former Lynwood council members found guilty of corruption
In this article two Lynwood city council members were found guilty of corruption. Lynwood is a suburb of Los Angeles. Louis Byrd and Fernando Pedroza created jobs for themselves on city commissions that appeared to do little, if any, work. The added pay boosted the part-time council members' income from less than $10,000 a year to as much as $112,000 in one year for Byrd and $72,000 for Pedroza, prosecutors said. Court searches are also for drugsMost of the arrests made at airports by the Homeland Security thugs are not of terrorists, but for drug war crimes.I suspect a large number of the people arrested forgot to remove their recreational drugs from their property before entering the airport and being searched by the Homeland Security thugs. I suspect the same thing is true when the local piggies search you before you enter a county or city government building. In this article a Mesa woman was arrested when the piggies found a vial of cocaine in her purse. If the piggies were only looking for weapons they would have ignored the vial. But of course these searches are not about stealing the guns from people who might want to kill the mayor or a judge, but shaking down people for trivial and victimless drug war crimes. Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? Source Code for Google AnalyticsHere is the source code for Google Analytic's. Some interesting stuff.Arizona Commerce AuthorityI'm not quite sure what the Arizona Commerce Authority does, but it sounds like it is a mixture of the government and the private sector and some of the stuff it, and it's CEO Don Cardon are doing in this article sounds like a huge waste of our tax dollars.I always thought mixing government and business was called fascism. If that is true the Arizona Commerce Authority is certainly a fascist organization. Medical-marijuana OK for sleeping disorders, skin conditions sought![]() Will Humble and his boss Arizona Governor Jan Brewer are both drug war tyrants who are attempting to throw a monkey wrench into Arizona's medical marijuana laws and prevent people from using marijuana so don't expect Will Humble to approve any new uses for medical marijuana. Will Humble has created a clever Catch 22 which he can use as an excuse not to allow any new uses for medical marijuana. He says he will allow new uses for medical marijuana only after their are documented cases of medical research that show medical marijuana is an effective cure for the new illness. On paper that sounds reasonable, but since for all practical purposes the DEA will not let anyone perform medical research on marijuana there never will be any research done that proves marijuana helps anything. Yes, the DEA will let some people do research on pot, but it only seems that the DEA will let you do research that proves what the head in the sand folks at the DEA say, which is marijuana has absolutely no medical uses whatsoever. Of course if I had my say I would re-legalize ALL drugs for all uses including recreational uses. The government doesn't have any business telling people what they can and can't put in their bodies. Drought having an effect on pot, tooAccording to this article the piggies say the drought is making the size of marijuana plants they steal from their owners much smaller.The sad side of the article is that the state of Ohio is paying large amounts of money to fly cops around in helicopters searching for marijuana fields. The good news is that the program sounds like a dismal failure. Despite the huge amounts of money being spent by the Ohio Attorney General's office flying narcs around in helicopters looking for pot plants only 80 stinking plants have been found. Warm weatherYesterday it was relatively cool for Phoenix. I doubt if it even hit 105°F. But with the humidity it felt fairly hot.When I got up this morning and was walking back to the city from the desert it seem rather warm, but I am sure it was all because of the humidity. Officer John "Pepper Spray" Pike who pepper-sprayed UC Davis students leaves jobAccording to this article Lt. John Pike, who pepper sprayed peaceful demonstrators at UC Davis has left his job. The article doesn't say if he was fired or left willingly. |
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Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran - The Obama versionRemember in the 2008 election when we made fun of war monger and presidential candidate John McCain for singing "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" to the tune of a Beach Boys song.Sadly Emperor Obama has turned out to be just as much of a war monger as John McCain and in according to this article President Obama may very well end up bombing Iran. Stamper Brown: The futility of gun controlSusan Stamper Brown seems to agree with me that the purpose of the Second Amendment is a form of "politician control", i.e. to give the people the tools to overthrow the government when it becomes oppressive.Read her thoughts in this article. Delaware Judge flushes 2nd Amendment in Government Housing ProjectsIn this article a Federal judge flushed the Second Amendment down the toilet for people that live in government housing projects.Art Malone - Dead!!!!!According to this article Art Malone died.The Jerk is allergic to work
Federal employees might be forced to pay their taxes???According to this article the Federal employees who micro-manage our lives might actually be required to pay taxes like the rest of us serfs.On the other hand do you really expect our royal government masters to obey the same laws they force us serfs to obey. I doubt the law will be passed. And even if the law is passed I doubt it will be enforced. Disturbing Video Surfaces From 'Boot Camp' Run by LAPD OfficersIf these LAPD cops treat teenagers like scum as they do in this article I suspect they will also treat the people they pretend to protect and serve like scum.
Boston Priest Arrested on Child Pornography ChargesPersonally I don't think it should be a crime to look at porn, but I find it rather hypocritical when the Catholic Church tells us we will go to hell if you look at porn, while their computers are loaded with child porn as this article says.Anonymous - a·non·y·mousMy life has been destroyed by a number of anonymous liars who have been spreading lies that I am a government snitch.I suspect these anonymous liars are mostly members of the Arizona Libertarian Party. I also suspect that a number of them are gun owners who may or may not be Libertarians. I suspect that one person, or maybe two people started these lies and that the other people who are slandering me don't know they are spreading lies.
a·non·y·mous [uh-non-uh-muhs]
Related forms World English Dictionary
anonymous (əˈnɒnɪməs)
[C17: via Late Latin from Greek anōnumos, from an- + onoma name] anonymity — n a'nonymously — adv a'nonymousness — n Word Origin & History
Cafeína - Caffeine
La cafeína es un alcaloide del grupo de las xantinas, sólido cristalino, blanco y de sabor amargo, que actúa como una droga psicoactiva, levemente disociativa y estimulante por su acción antagonista no selectiva de los receptores de adenosina.3 La cafeína fue descubierta en 1819 por el químico alemán Friedrich Ferdinand Runge: fue él quien acuñó el término Koffein, un compuesto químico en el café, el cual pasaría posteriormente al español como cafeína. La cafeína recibe también otros nombres relativos a los productos que la contienen, como la guaranina (encontrada en la guaraná), mateína (encontrada en el mate) y teína (encontrada en el té), las cuales contienen además algunos alcaloides adicionales como los estimulantes cardíacos teofilina y teobromina y a menudo otros compuestos químicos como los polifenoles, los cuales pueden formar complejos insolubles con la cafeína. La cafeína puede encontrarse en cantidades variables en las semillas, las hojas y los frutos de algunas plantas, donde actúa como un pesticida natural que paraliza y mata ciertos insectos que se alimentan de las plantas. Es consumida por los humanos principalmente en infusiones extraídas del fruto de la planta del café y de las hojas del arbusto del té, así como también en varias bebidas y alimentos que contienen productos derivados de la nuez de cola. Otras fuentes incluyen la yerba mate, el fruto de la Guaraná y el acebo de Yaupón. En los humanos, la cafeína es un estimulante del sistema nervioso central que produce un efecto temporal de restauración del nivel de alerta y eliminación de la somnolencia. Las bebidas que contiene cafeína, tales como el café, el té, algunas bebidas no alcohólicas (especialmente los refrescos de cola) y las bebidas energéticas gozan una gran popularidad. La cafeína es la sustancia psicoactiva más ampliamente consumida en el mundo. En Norteamérica, el 90% de los adultos consumen cafeína todos los días. En los Estados Unidos, la Food and Drug Administration (Administración de Drogas y Alimentos) se refiere a la cafeína como una "sustancia alimenticia generalmente reconocida como segura que se utiliza para múltiples propósitos". La cafeína tiene propiedades diuréticas, si se administra en dosis suficientes a individuos que no tienen tolerancia a ella. Los consumidores regulares, sin embargo, desarrollan una fuerte tolerancia a este efecto, y los estudios generalmente no han podido demostrar la creencia general de que el consumo regular de bebidas cafeinadas contribuye significativamente a la deshidratación. Cafeína - CaffeineCaffeine was almost outlawed at the same time that cocaine was (1914), and for the same reasons. The reason that cocaine was outlawed was because of the fear that superhuman "cocaine fiends" would go on a violent rampage and rape white women and shoot white men. [Those racist anti-drug crusaders said the same thing about marijuana - Let a Negro smoke one marijuana cigarette and it would cause him to go out and rape 6 white woman]Police departments across the nation switched to larger caliber pistols in fear of the "cocaine fiends". There was a huge deal of ignorance and hysteria about drugs at the time and, when the first drug prohibition laws were first crafted (circa 1910), caffeine was included along with cocaine. The only reason caffeine escaped being illegal along with cocaine is because someone pointed out that outlawing caffeine would mean outlawing coffee, tea, and chocolate, among other things [I am not sure if that reason is correct. After all cocaine was made illegal and it was one of the active ingredients in Coca Cola, but I do know that the idiots in the Federal government wanted to make caffeine illegal just like they made cocaine illegal] Harry J. Anslinger is almost single handedly responsible for the "drug war"Sadly most of the insane and unconstitutional American drug war was created by a nut job named Harry J. Anslinger.Some quotes from Harry J. Anslinger. I don't agree with any of them, but they are a good example of how sick the people are who created and are now maintaining the insane and unconstitutional American "drug war" which we have exported to the rest of the world. The reason I say I don't agree with them here is because some of those phony baloney Arizona Libertarian liars who have been telling people that I am a government snitch will probably say that I agree with nut job Harry J. Anslinger simply because I have his nutty quotes on this web page. Again I don't agree with any of the nutty quotes made by nut job Harry J. Anslinger.
In that racist movie I remember them telling us that if a Black man smokes a marijuana cigarette it would cause him to rape 6 white women. As teenagers we mostly thought the movie was a silly joke. They gave us almost the same silly propaganda on alcohol as the did on marijuana. When I went out to the desert the first time to get drunk as a teenager I thought the drinking experience would be like a trip on LSD. I think I drank one beer and then quit after that because I was afraid I would have a bad trip and hallucinate too much. On book that has some interesting info on both Harry J. Anslinger and the history of the insane and unconstitutional American drug war is the book The Emperor Wears No ClothesIt is some very good reading. And of course if the only information you have on the insane drug war is the information you received in government schools and other government propaganda sources the book will probably make you end any support you have for the insane and unconstitutional drug war. Sadly the drug war is nothing more then a jobs program for cops, prosecutors, judges, prison guards, public defenders, and of course the folks that build prisons. Conor Oberst lashes out at Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 'MariKKKopa'I love Arizona. Well I love everything about Arizona execpt our police state government and of course Sheriff Joe Arpaio are part of the problem.So thanks to Conor Oberst for telling the world about Arizona's police state in your song MariKKKopa. Scottsdale School District - Papers PleaseAccording to this article the Scottsdale School District will soon be requiring all children from kindergarten to high school to wear ID card.I bet Hitler, Stalin and Mao would have been proud of the police state government bureaucrats that run the Scottsdale School District. No marijuana lanyards or marijuana t-shirts eitherAs the Scottsdale government bureaucrats start to implement a "Papers Please" police state that would make Hitler, Stalin and Mao proud they are also making sure that no student uses a marijuana lanyard to display his required government issued photo ID while he or she is in class, or on the way to school.This article is pretty much the same article from the previous paragraph, but I just highlighted the part on how the government bureaucrats will send any student home who wears their required govenrment issued photo ID from a marijuana lanyard. Jesus, with all the time and money these government bureaucrats spend on turning their schools into a prison like environment I wonder if they will have any time or money to educate the children. That's assuming the schools are still here to educate the children. I suspect many of the government bureaucrats who run the schools think that the purpose of the schools are to provide the government bureaucrats who run them with cushy, high paying life time jobs. Is the sky falling over pot law?In this editorial Montini mocks the government bureaucrats who have demanded that Arizona stop allowing people to use medical marijuana. Those mocked include Gov. Jan Brewer, Attorney General Tom Horne and Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery.Montini mentioned the 14 county attornies who wrote a letter to Jan Brewer demanding that she shut down Arizona's medical marijuana program, but he didn't mention them by name. They are:
Well we did that and we got the medical marijuana laws passed which stopped the state of Arizona from jailing sick people who need marijuana for their medicine. Of course these 14 government tyrants who are also county prosecutors for their counties didn't take their own advice in this case. Instead they wrote a letter to the governor and asked her to illegally stop Prop 203, which allows the people of Arizona to smoke marijuana for medical reasons. No wonder the Founders passed the 2nd Amendment. They knew there will always be government tyrants who think they are above the law, like these 14 county attorneys. Bath salts "drug war" problemSadly when it comes to the problem of people using dangerous drugs like bath salts and spice to get high, the government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem.Here is a silly editorial in the Arizona Republic where they support the insane and unconstitutional war on drugs, which is now a "war on bath salts" Pastor had fun sinning with 16 year old girl???In this article the religious nut jobs that want to run our lives give us more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do".The article didn't says if Pastor Jack Schaap had lots of fun in his alleged "improper relationship" with his 16 year old follower. Which is the real Joe Arpaio?In this article Laurie Roberts points out that Sheriff Joe promised us that he would only serve one term if elected.Laurie Roberts also points out that sadly Sheriff Joe is still with us. Leaders thwart public's medical-pot choiceIn this letter to the editor Matt Bornyasz of Scottsdale points out that our elected officials who pretend to represent us are constantly trying to thwart the people effort to decriminalize or legalize drugs.London businesses bemoan Olympic slumpFrom this article it sounds like London Mayor Boris Johnson is the cause of the huge drop of business during the Olympic Games in London.How many times do I have to says "Government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem"? Men's work! No women allowed!!!!
Sheriff Arpaio's goon denies slamming pregnant womanIn this article one of Sheriff Joe's goons, a Deputy Francisco Gamboa denies that he slammed Lorena Escamilla into her car.Deputy Francisco Gamboa also claims that he couldn't recall why he called a drug dog to the scene. Duh, well probably because she refused to allow police thug Deputy Francisco Gamboa to search her car, something she has every right to do under the 4th Amendment. Congresswoman Laura Richardson gets a slap on the wrist for screwing the taxpayersIn this article Congressman Laura Richardson gets a slap on the wrist for screwing the taxpayers.According to the article "[Congresswoman Laura] Richardson improperly pressured her congressional staff to work on her campaign, used taxpayer-funded resources for personal and political activities, and obstructed the investigation"If a normal person did this they would be thrown in prison for theft which would cause them to lose their job. Of course when a US Congressman does it she gets a slap on the wrist and of course keeps her job. A scooter in the middle of the desert at 3 am???As I was on my way out of the desert this morning I almost got run over by two idiots riding around on a motor scooter in the middle of the desert at 3 am.Hey, don't blame me for all these nuts in the desert. On the other hand I guess I am one of the nuts in the desert. War on Mexicans - A welfare program for private prisons???From this article it sure sounds like the "War on Mexicans" is a corporate welfare program for private prison companies.And this article probably explains why Arizona's racist SB 1070 law is so well loved by private prisons in Arizona. It's a jobs program for their guards as well as being a corporate welfare program for the stockholders. Arizona - Helping America bomb 3rd world countries into the Stone Age!!!Ain't you proud that you live in Arizona. According to this article the U.S. Air Force selected Luke Air Force Base as a F-35 training site which will be used to train pilots that will bomb third world countries into the Stone Age.I certainly am not happy with it. I don't want any part of the American military industrial complex which has been murdering people across the whole planet during my whole life time. Poll: Arpaio's approval rating sinks to 53% amid birth-certificate probeHitler was a very popular guy in Germany, despite being one of the worst mass murders in the history of the world. So just because you are popular doesn't mean you are a good guy.Sadly the same thing is true in Arizona with Sheriff Joe. Despite being one of the worst police state criminals in the world Sheriff Joe is still the most popular politician in Arizona. The good news is that more people are starting to see Sheriff Joe for what he really is, a police state criminal. Read more about it in this article. Full moonWhen there is a full moon out I don't like it because it makes it very easy for somebody to see me sleeping in the desert and sneak up on me and murder me.Also a full moon makes it harder to sleep in your eyes are pointed in the direction of the full moon. I had to turn my head around and look away from the full moon a couple of times in the last few days so I could go to sleep. I guess the good news about a full moon is that when you can sleep it makes it easier to go wander around in the desert at night when you are bored and sleepless. Attacked by bugsUsually I don't get bitten by bugs that much when I am sleeping or if I am bitten I don't feel it.Last night as I was sleeping I was bitten a whole bunch of times by bugs and I remember smashing a bunch of them after they bit me. Average of 2,800 people held daily in Ariz. by ICEThe government war on Mexicans is big business for private prisons according to this article.I would suspect that Hitler would be proud of the current American politicians who have declared a racist war on Mexicans, just like Hitler had is racist war on Jews. Phoenix man murdered in DEA raid by Surprise copWhile there are no documented fatalities from people using marijuana a large number of people have died when they were murdered by the police thugs in Americas unconstitutional war on drugs.And this article is about one of those police murders. As of yet no drugs have been found by the cops, so this case could be one of those cases where the cops broke into the wrong house. Arizona CPS workers steal 27 children from their parents every dayAccording to this article the governmen bureaucrats at Arizona Child Protective Services have stolen 5,000 children from their parents in the last 6 months.That means the cold hearted government bureaucrats at CPS steal about 27 kids every day from their loving parents. The article didn't say this, but I suspect a large number of those kids were stolen from their parents because they committed the victimless crime of smoking marijuana or using some other illegal drug. If I was a kid I would rather be raised by my real mom even if she did smoke pot. I would not have any desire to be raised in a foster home by some uncaring government bureaucrat who was raising me only because of the money the government gave them. Drug war victim crushes 7 police vehicles with farm tractorPot smoker crushes 7 cop cars with tractor |
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![]() Remember, just because something is legal doesn't make it morally right. And just because something is illegal doesn't make it morally wrong. A number of legal scholars will tell you that America's insane war on drugs is unconstitutional per the 10th Amendment. Sadly the Supreme court doesn't agree with them. Even if the Supreme Court thinks the "war on drugs" is constitutional, a large number of Americans including the web master think the "war on drugs" is immoral, illogical and just plain wrong. America now jails more people per capita then any other country in the world and this is because of America's insane, illogical and unconstitutional war on drug. Yes, in the eyes of the government Roger Pion is a criminal. But in the eyes of many other Americas Roger Pion is a freedom fighter who is fed up with America's insane war on drugs.
Obama administration doesn't to live up to its transparency promiseAccording to this article President Obama is just of much of a police state thug as President Bush was when it comes to keeping the American people from knowing what government is doing.But what choice do you have in the next election? You can vote for Emperor Obama who is just a clone of Emperor Bush. You can vote for Mitt Romney who will probably be just a clone of Emperor Obama, Emperor Bush and wanna be Emperor John McCain. If you are fed up with the system try voting for the Libertarian guy running for President. Let's fact it, if you vote for the Democrat or Republican guys running for President you are guaranteed to get a police state thug for President. Try voting for the Libertarian guy this time. The worst that can happen is that you will get a police state thug that is no worse then Emperor Obama or Emperor Romney. On the other hand the Libertarian might actually keep his promises and attempt to make America less of a police state. Please vote Libertarian you have nothing to lose. I have to admit I am biased because I am a Libertarian. But I am also made at the Arizona Libertarian Party because it is starting to sound like a few of their alleged Libertarian members destroyed my life by spreading lies that I was a government snitch. Even with that in mind I am asking you to give the Libertarian guy a chance. He certainly won't be any worse then Emperor Obama or Emperor Romney. Former Mexico PRI governor pleads guilty in drug-trafficking caseAccording to this article Governor Mario Villanueva of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo was paid between $400,000 and $500,000 in cash for each load of cocaine that was shipped out of Quintana Roo.Let's face it, when you have governors of entire states involved in smuggling illegal drugs, it should tell you that the drug war is not winnable and all drugs should be legalized. Former Chicago cop busted for Cook County kickback crimesAccording to this article Eugene Mullins, a former Chicago cop and aide to former Cook County Board President Todd Stroger was arrested Thursday on charges he pocketed nearly $35,000 in payoffs in return for steering county contracts to several acquaintances willing to make the kickbacks.More on the Second AmendmentIn this letter to the editor Arthur C. Peterson points out thatThe Second Amendment does not grant the right to keep and bear arms; it validates the right which had existed for centuries prior in English Common Law, and was enunciated in the English Bill of Rights of 1688. The right has always been recognized as an individual right, applicable to individual citizens.A lot of gun grabbers like to claim that the 2nd Amendment only allows members of the military or militia to keep and bear arms. Arthur C. Peterson tells us that the Federal government's definition of the militia is per Title 10, Section 311, of the United States Code The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodies males 17 years of age and under 45 years of ageWhich pretty much means almost all Americans. How Latin America is reinventing the war on drugsHere is an interesting article from of all places the Christian Science Monitor on how many Latin American countries are thinking about dumping the insane "War on Drugs", which was brought to them by the American government.Sheriffs and County Attorneys are hypocrites on Prop 203When we complain to the cops and prosecutors that the laws are unfair, unjust and unconstitutional and demand that they stop enforcing them. They always give us the line that "the law is the law", and that we must obey it. That if we don't like the law we should use the system to change it.When when it comes to the draconian laws that jail people for the victimless crime of using medical marijuana we did that and got Prop 203 passed, which legalized medical marijuana. Of course the police and prosecutors don't like Prop 203 because it cuts into the "drug war" which is really a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops and prosecutors. Accoding to this article the cops and prosecutors are hypocrites who are not following the same advice they give us. Instead of attempting to repeal Prop 203 thru the system so they can continue arresting people for the victimless crime of marijuana use they simply asked Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to declare Prop 203 null and void. The 13 Arizona Sheriff's that signed this discusting letter are:
The "Drug War" is just a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops6.7 million marijuana plants seized by the DEA in 2011According to this article DEA thugs seized 6.7 million pot plants in 2011.If it took 30 seconds to seize each pot plant the drug war against marijuana created 19 years worth of work for these over paid and under worked DEA thugs. Porn star Jenna Jameson supports Romney![]() I wonder, did she give Mitt any "special" campaign contributions??? Alabama governor going back to prison for briberyAccording to this article former Alabama governor Don Siegelman is heading back to prison after being sentenced Friday to more than six years for bribery and other convictions. The article says that Governor Don Siegelman is really, really sorry for the crimes he committed.I suspect what Governor Don Siegelman means is that he is really, really sorry for getting caught committing those crimes. On Afghanistan, Romney and Obama are both war mongersRemember the war in Afghanistan? Obama and Romney don’t seem to.According to this article neither Obama or Romney want to debate about the war in Afghanistan. I suspect it is because they are both war mongers who support the war, while the American public no longer supports the war. If you really want to end the war in Afghanistan vote Libertarian in 2012. Gary Johnson wants to end the war in Afghanistan. Congresswoman Lois Capps forgets to report $41,000 in rental income![]() How does a Congressman or Congresswoman "forget" to report $41,000 in income they received from an employee that worked for them??? Look as a Libertarian I think taxes are stealing. Any time somebody points a gun to your head and demands a cut of the money in your wallet, that is stealing. Even if the person point the gun at your head is a government nanny who is demanding taxes. The problem here is these government hypocrites expect us to obey the laws or be severally punished, while they routinely break the laws. And of course that is more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" line we always hear from our government masters. Tyrants on Gilbert city council micromanage marijuana clinicsMan when it comes to government idiots micromanaging our lives the tyrants on the Gilbert, Arizona city council are in the running for being world class tyrants.Read this article for all the silly restrictions the idiots on the Gilbert city council have put on medical marijuana clinics. Ahwatukee has single applicant for medical-marijuana dispensaryWill folks in Ahwatukee get a medical marijuana store?According to this article we won't know until next week. Kyrsten Sinema wants to slap a 300% tax on medical marijuanaIf you are against the drug war, you should vote against Kyrsten Sinema.According to these article Kyrsten Sinema wants to slap a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. Kyrstin Sinema wants to slap a 300% tax on medical marijuanaIf you are against the drug war, you should vote against Kyrstin Sinema.According to these article Kyrstin Sinema wants to slap a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. Kyrsten Sinema's 300 percent tax on medical marijuanaThis web page lists a whole bunch of articles about Kyrsten Sinema's outrageous 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.Kyrstin Sinema's 300 percent tax on medical marijuanaThis web page lists a whole bunch of articles about Kyrstin Sinema's outrageous 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.Racial-profiling trial outcome hinges on hard dataAccording to this article it looks like Sheriff Joe's trial is in the final lap and the out come will depend on what the statistics say about the stops Sheriiff Joe's thugs made on Latinos.If you ask me the statistics clearly show that Sheriff Joe and his goons are clearly guilty of racial profiling, but Sheriff Joe's lawyers seem to be using the line of "Lies, damn lies and statistics". Yes you certainly can use statistics to lie and say anything, but in this case I think Sheriff Joe is clearly guilty of shaking down anybody with brown skin. Voters back medical marijuanaIn this letter to the editor Peter Allen Jones of Apache Junction has some interesting thoughts on medical marijuana and the evil, unconstitutional "war on drugs".Will Jared Loughner 5th Amendment right against double jeopardy be violated???From this article it sounds like the Federal government and the state of Arizona want to violate Jared Loughner 5th Amendment right against being tried twice for the same crime.According to the article Jared Loughner will probably accept a plea bargain from the Federal government which will force him to spend the rest of his life in prison. But the article seems to say that even if Jared Loughner accepts a plea bargain from the Feds, the Pima County Prosecutor wants to try him for murder and get the death sentence. Somebody is trashing Sheriff Joe's campaign signs!!!!According to this article somebody is trashing Sheriff Joe Arpaio's campaign signs!!!!I wonder why??? OK, I know why. And let's hope this government terrorists gets booted out of office this time around, although it is highly unlikely because despite being one of the most corrupt politicians in the nation, Sheriff Joe is sadly the most popular politician in Arizona. How do you spell REVENUE? Those 15 mph school speed trapsAccording to this article it is school time again and the piggie are out in force using those 15 mile an hour school speed traps to raise revenue for their city governments.Let's fact it folks, it ain't about safety, it's about revenue!
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Surprise resident sues city over car crash with officeAccording to this article Linda Vera McCormick is suing Suprise Police Officer Jeff Thurman for crashing into her.Surprise piggy Thurman has two written reprimands in his personnel file for prior minor collisions, according to city records. One was in 2006 when he struck a parked vehicle, causing minimal damage, and the other was in 2007 when he rear-ended an unmarked Maricopa County Sheriff's Office vehicle while merging onto a Loop 202 on-ramp in the southeast Valley. Scottsdale jail used to raise revenueAccording to this article the Scottsdale City Jail is closing despite the fact that it is a big money maker for the city of Scottsdale.Tuesday lottery gives out licenses to sell medical marijuanaAccording to this article a lottery on Tuesday will hand out 75 licenses to sell medical marijuana in Arizona.Really 99 licenses will be given out, but 24 of the licenses are not contested and the person who applied for the license will get it. Get ready to be screwed by Social Security - AgainAccording to this article people who are starting to retire will receive less from Social Security then they paid into the Social Security system.Social Security has always been a big government rip off program. Even for the people who retired in the past and received Social Security, you could get a lot more money if you placed the taxes the government took from you for Social Security and placed them in a simple bank savings account. Pot smoker kicked out of OlympicsSadly the insane and unconstitutional American "War on Drugs" has creeped into every part of society.According to this article an America judo athletic was booted from the Olympics because he tested positive for marijuana. Give me a break, marijuana certainly will not enhance his performance, and in all probability it would probably lower his performance in a judo match. Maybe if the guy was mainline speed before a match he should be booted because speed would give him an unfair advantage, but kicking the guy out because he tested positive for pot is insane. It rained a little last nightBut it didn't rain enough to make me soaking wet. Just some wimpy rain.There was also lots of cool lightening in the distance. Also a big storm blew in. I left the place I have been sleeping and found a more protected place that was out of the storm to sleep. But the storm quickly blew away and it got too hot, so I went back to the cooler desert to finish sleeping. Also on my way out to the desert there seemed to be 5 or 6 kids who might have been following me and either wanted to rob me, or just beat me up because I am a homeless person. I ditched them in the desert and was not robbed or beaten up, at least last night. Obama's bogus birth certificate???While I have absolutely no trust for our government masters, I don't subscribe much to the theory that Obama is an illegal alien who snuck into the USA from Kenya.I guess he could be, but I want a little more proof before I start sprouting that story. In this article by Vin Suprynowicz he says: For those who have never done an Internet search on "Obama's birth certificate," it's common parlance on the Web that the document presented to reporters in such a cloak-and-dagger fashion by the White House lists the race of Obama's father as "African" when "Negro" would have been the standard usage in that era, lists the father's birth place as "Kenya" at a time before Kenya became a country, and gives the hospital a name which did not exist until it merged with another facility in 1971, a decade after his birth.Interesting stuff, but I am not going to start thinking we have an illegal alien for our President. Yes I know we have a tyrant for our President, but I doubt if the tyrant is also an illegal alien. Emperor Obama is coming - Close the beach!!!!According to this article President Obama is coming to Westport, Connecticut this week. The Secret Service wants to close the beaches so that Emperor Obama doesn't have to mingle with the lowly serfs he rules over.Based on the way Emperor Obama is treated I think that Cesar and other royal monarchs from the past would be jealous of they way Obama is treated. Medical-pot patients have right to chooseIn this My Turn editorial Doug Banfelder says that the citizens of Arizona should have to right to use medical marijuana and criticizes the Arizona county who wrote governor Jan Brewer asking her to flush Prop 203 down the toilet.Warm WeatherWith all the humidity it sure feels a lot hotter then it really is.I think the high was 110°F today but with the humidity it felt a lot hotter then that. When I went to bed you could see lightning in the distant sky, but unlike yesterday it didn't rain. Because of the warm weather I couldn't sleep and I woke up about 11:30. I was very thirsty and walked a couple of miles to get some water. I passed an irrigation ditch and decided to cool down in it. I soaked my clothing in water and it felt real nice. Then I walked back to the desert and went back to sleep. It was pretty easy to get back to sleep because despite the fact that I was soaking wet I was also nice and cool. I woke up at about 4:15 which was 15 minutes later then I usually get up. I still felt cool from the soaking I took in the irrigation ditch. Wow even Los Angeles is hot!According to this article LA is getting some warm weather. Sure it ain't nothing compared to what we get in Phoenix, but a lot of those people in LA don't even have air conditioning or even swamp coolers.But who am I to talk. I am just a homeless person that lives in the desert and I don't even have a cooler. And I don't need one either. Heat wave, triple-digit temperatures hit Southern California The medical marijuana dispensaries are comingDespite government tyrant Jan Brewers frivolous lawsuit to stop then the medical marijuana dispensaries are coming and should be here soon according to this article.Don't send bribe offers to government email accountsGreen Global tries to bribe Gilbert Councilwoman Jenn Daniels with government email accountAccording to this article Green Global CEO Mike Hoffman to bribe Gilbert Councilwoman Jenn Daniels.Mike Hoffman says it was an accident and he didn't intend to offer Gilbert Councilwoman Jenn Daniels a bribe. Yea, sure Mike. I believe you. Honest I believe you. Really, really honest, I believe you. Honest. I guess that is why government crooks prefer to use free email accounts such as hotmail, googlemail and gmail to do their government business with. It is much harder for private citizens to make requests for public records when a government crook is doing all their crooked business deals using a free hotmail account instead of a city of Gilbert, Arizona official email account. Fed chairman Bernanke wonders if you're happyWell Mr Bernanke I am not going to be happy until the royal tyrants in Washington D.C. shut down the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Board that you run.In this article Federal Reserve chairman Bernanke wonders if you're happy. Please tell me what part of the U.S. Constitution gives the Feds the power to create the Federal Reserve Board and use it to make people happy by printing money. Attorney General Tom Horne - F*** the will of the people, they can't have medical marijuanaAccording to this article Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne could care less that the people of Arizona voted for medical marijuana.Government tyrant Tom Horne is doing everything he can to thwart the will of the people and shut down Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana laws. I suspect the reason the Founders created the Second Amendment was because they knew there would be government tyrants like Tom Horne who think they are "royal rulers", instead of the "public servants" they tell us they are. Fullerton Police Department to be disbanded???No problem, next the cops from the Orange County Sheriff's Department will be beating homeless people to death in the city of Fullerton.OK, this article didn't exactly say it that way, but the article did say that the city of Fullerton was considering disbanding the Fullerton Police Department and having the terrorists from the Orange County Sheriff violated the constitutional rights of the city of Fullerton. I am not bias, and I have lived in Fullerton and Orange County and had my civil rights violated by both Fullerton pigs and Orange County pigs. Arcata, California terrorizes homeless people???Arcata, California is know as the Berkeley of the North![]() Maybe I should check out Arcata, California. It's up north near Eurkea, California. From this article it sounds like it is like Tempe or Berkeley, but way up in Northern California. I think Robert from Cisco lived there. This article about Arcata, California seems to say the government tyrants that run the town treat the homeless people just as bad as the tyrants that run the city of Tempe, Arizona treat their homeless people. 4th Amendment null and void in New York City???For Women in Street Stops, Deeper HumiliationFrom this article it sure sounds like the Fourth Amendment is null and void in New York City. And if it isn't the cops sure free that way.Sadly the illegal and unconstitutional "war on drugs" in America has created a way for cops to make themselves look like heroes. The piggies will illegally stop and search 100 people and one or two of them are bound to have an illegal drug on them, and the cops will arrest them for committing a harmless, victimless drug war crime. Then the cops will brag that they are making the streets safer by illegally searching all these people and then arresting them for harmless and victimless drug war crimes. If you ask me the piggies should start obeying the law themselves and stop illegally searching people. The piggies should also stop shaking down and arresting people for victimless drug war crimes and start hunting down real criminals like robbers, rapists and muggers. A jobs program for San Francisco mass transit workersFrom this article it sounds like all these silly plans for more parking meters are nothing more then a scheme to make it harder for people to drive and thus create jobs for mass transit workers.Well isn't that what government is all about? Generating money and perks for the special interest groups that helped the current group of government rulers get into power! Pot Legalization Is ComingAccording to this article the folks at Rolling Stone Magazine thing pot will be eventually legalized in America.It's illegal to sell medical drugs at hospitals in Chandler, ArizonaWell I suspect that is legal to sell any drugs except medical marijuana within 1,320 feet from a hospital in Chandler, Arizona.According to this article it is illegal to locate a medical medical marijuana dispensary within a forth of a mile of a hospital. I suspect the twits on the Chandler city council are myopic government tyrants who hate anybody that uses medical marijuana. Jeff Flake and Wil Cardon are both drug war tyrants???In this article both Jeff Flake and Will Cardon appear to be drug war tyrants. They both are against medical marijuana.Wil Cardon also supports Sheriff Joe, which is another reason to vote against him. Jeff Flake dodged the question and refused to give an honest answer so he may also support Maricopa County's police state thug Sheriff Joe. Here is the question and their answers: Q from Minority_Whip: What’s your stance on medical marijuana? Medical pot is here to stay, like it or notIn this editorial it is clear that the folks that run the Arizona Republic hate medical marijuana just as much as the government tyrants that rule the state of Arizona hate medical marijuana.Unlike the government tyrants that rule the state of Arizona, the leaders at the Arizona Republic seem to grudgingly know that even if they don't like it, medical marijuana is here to stay. Government not liable for illegally tapping your phone???According to this article an appeals court said that the Federal government could not be held liable for illegally tapping an Islamic groups phone.I suspect this is one of the reasons the Founders included the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights. If you can't get the government to admit it's crimes and hold itself accountable for those crimes I suspect the Founders knew that the people had to be able to fix that problem and the only way was with the Second Amendment. Loughner found competent, pleads guilty in mass shootingJared Loughner pleads guilty to assassinating U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords![]() According to the article he will spend the rest of his life in prison. The only question I have is will the Pima County Attorney attempt to violate the double jeperody clause of the Constitution and try him a second time in an Arizona court and attempt to have the state of Arizona execute Jared Loughner. Drugs don't cause crime, the "War on Drug" does causes crimeSurprise Cops use murder to demonize medical marijuanaIn this article the Surprise Police and the Arizona Republic are using a murder that involved medical marijuana to demonize marijuana and medical marijuana and falsely blame medical marijuana for the murder.The police routinely lie and tell us that drugs cause crime. The truth is that the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs" causes crime, not the actual drugs. The drug war causes drugs such as marijuana to be sold at super high black market prices. And those super high prices often cause people to steal to support their drug habit. In the cause of marijuana an ounce of marijuana currently costs anywhere from $50 to $300+ an ounce on the black market. If marijuana was legalized an ounce of pot wouldn't cost any more then a 99¢ hamburger at Jack in the Box or McDonalds. Re-legalize drugs and the black market prices drugs are sold at will disappear and the crime caused by these black market prices will also disappear. Gun grabbers on Tucson City Council at workTucson city council uses Loughner plea bargain to outlaw gunsFrom this article it sounds like the gun grabbers on the Tucson city council are attempting to use Jared Loughner acceptance of a plea bargain for the murders he committed in Tucson a year and a half ago as an emotional bargaining chip to get their illegal and unconstitutional gun grabbing laws passed.Blood thirsty Arizona Governor Jan Brewer will murder a man today???According to this article if Jan Brewer gets her way today she will get to murder another inmate at the Arizona State Prison.Daniel Cook will be the murder victim. Bingo! Lottery machine determines Arizona's first medical marijuana licensesAccording to these articles Arizona has issued it's first licenses for medical marijuana dispensaries.Of course if you ask me you shouldn't need a license to sell or use marijuana, but what do you expect when you ask a Libertarian that question. Michigan priest arrested for driving nude and drunkIn this article we get more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" line from our religious leaders.In the article the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Dearborn was suspended Monday after the Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit learned he had been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving -- in the nude. Jonesboro Police murdered Chavis CarterAccording to this article the Jonesboro Police claim that Chavis Carter who was handcuffed and in a police car used a hidden gun to commit suicide. Yea, sure!I suspect the Jonesboro Police murdered Chavis Carter and made up that wild story to blame the murder on him. This case sounds a lot like the case where the Phoenix Police accused New York socialite Carol A. Gotbaum of "strangling herself to death" at Sky Harbor Airport, while she was handcuffed to a bench in a holding cell. I suspect the Phoenix Police murdered Carol A. Gotbaum, like I suspect the Jonesboro Police murdered Chavis Carter. Another warm nightThis summer has not had a lot of hot days. I don't remember it hitting 115°F even once.But it does seem to be very hot because of all the humidity. Yesterday, it only got up to 110°F. Yes a warm day, but certainly no blazing hot by Arizona standards. Because of all the humidity, before I went to bed I soaked my sweatshirt in water before going to sleep to keep me cool. But despite that I still woke up at midnight from the warm weather. Usually I get up at 4 but I slept late today and didn't wake up till about 4:30, probably because I woke up at midnight. But don't get me wrong. I love hot weather. I will take a 115°F day, any day of the year over a freezing cold 60°F day. For that matter before I became homeless I seldom complained about the heat. In my homes at night in the winter I always turn off the heat before I go to bed in the winter. Same thing in the summer. I always turn off the swamp cooler before I go to bed. In both cases I am afraid that an electrical short in either the heater or swamp cooler could cause a fire that could kill me so I always shut them off before I go to bed. Phoenix Police Officer arrested for having gay sex with teenagers![]() Personally I think that any and all consensual sexual relationships should be legal, but sadly the government classifies it as a crime when an adult has consensual sex with a person under 18. My problem with this issue is that it is another case of our government masters saying "Do as I say, not as I do". Mass murderer Jan Brewer strikes again![]() Free Roger Pion![]() Unlike most people who put up with the krap police terrorists give them when they are arrested for victimless drug war crimes which in all probability are unconstitutional Roger Pion decided to get even with the police terrorists who arrested him and crushed all their police cars with his tractor. We certainly don't condone crimes of violence like that, but we certainly do think Roger Pion's protest helped the world focus on the insane and unconstitutional "Drug War" being waged against America citizens by the American government. Hopefully Roger Pion protest will help legalize and stop the insane drug war. The DEA keeps track of where you travel in Arizona???According to this article when you travel around in Southern Arizona there is a good chance the DEA or Drug Enforcement Administration is taking photos of your car's license plates and recording where you go.Ain't you proud to be a part of the American police state? Glendale residents, bend over, your screwed either wayFrom this article it looks like you folks in Glendale have been screwed by your royal rulers.If your government's welfare program for the Phoenix Coyotes continues it will cost each resident $54 per year for 20 years. If the Phoenix Coyotes walk it will cost each resident $70 per year. Hey don't get upset. That thing I heard about government rulers being public servants is a bunch of BS. They are our royal masters. Phoenix Block Watch allocations draw questionsThese silly Phoenix Block Watch allocations sound like a government welfare program for Phoenix cops, where the Phoenix Police Officers are paid up to $60 an hour to hold pep rallies for children.Of course the members of the Phoenix City Council should have expected that to happen when they let the Phoenix Police run the program. Phoenix Police spend $8,895 spent on Youth Bible CampAccording to this article the Phoenix Police spent $8,895 spent on unconstitutional Youth Bible Camp.The Phoenix Police also wasted $9,920 on a quinceamera party, which is a Mexican version of a sweet 16 party give to girls when they turn 15. The Phoenix cops also wasted $2,685 spent on movie party nights. Maricopa County Animal Control executes Boxy for lack of $237According to this article the folks at Maricopa County Animal Control murdered Boxy because their owners, Roberto and Tina Jaimes, could not come up with the $237 release fee quick enough.If you ask me it sounds like the folks ate Maricopa County Animal Control are more interested in raising revenue for their government agency then providing safety.
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Sex offender arrested for petty, trivial probation violationsFrom this article a sex offender in Mesa was rearrested and will probably be sent back to prison for a bunch of petty trivial probation violations.If you ask me it sounds like the folks that run the probation system in Arizona are more concerned with making up a bunch of silly, petty regulations to nit pick ex-cons with rather then actually keeping them out of trouble. The guy wasn't doing anything to endanger the public. But I guess it's not about the public safety. It's probably about creating jobs for the government bureaucrats in the criminal injustice system. Cops & Prosecutors make mountains out of molehillsPhoenix man sentenced for shining laser at two commercial airlinersIn this article a man was sentenced to 90 days or 3 months in jail for pointing a laser at an airplane.I suspect the cops and prosecutors grossly exaggerated what happened and turned a trivial harmless incident in a major crime. The cops say a police helicopter pilot was blinded by the guys laser. I suspect cops are lying about that. Why? Because if a cop was even slightly blinded by the guy the police would have charged him with a number of felony counts of assaulting a police officer and related crimes. NYC Mayor Bloomberg shuts down free sex toy giveawayAccording to this article New York City Mayor Bloomberg and super prude shut down a free sex toy give away sponsored by the folks that sell Trojan.Postal Service has $5.2B loss, will miss paymentAccording to this article the U.S. Post Office just had a $5.2 billion loss.While the U.S. Post loves to tell people that it is a private company and doesn't receive government assistance that is a white lie at best. Per Federal law any private businesses that compete with the U.S. Postal Service must either deliver the mail for FREE, or charge 3 times what the U.S. Post Office charges. Despite the rigged playing field both FedEx and UPS routinely deliver the mail faster and better then the government bureaucrats that run the U.S. Post Office. Postal Service wants to stop Saturday mail deliveryAccording to this article the U.S. Post Office wants to stop Saturday mail delivery.Most people don't know it but the U.S. Post Office delivered main, on Sunday from it's founding in 1775 until 1912. I am not sure of the full history of why they stopped Sunday mail delivery, but I believe it was a result of the religious nut jobs getting Congress to listen to them and stopping Sunday mail delivery for religious reasons, which I think is a violation of the First Amendment. Congress won't let private companies compete with the U.S. Post Office???While this article doesn't address that issue, companies in the private sector are not allowed to compete with the U.S. Post Office must either deliver the mail for FREE, or charge 3 times what the U.S. Post Office charges.I guess I should have made the heading to this section Congress won't let private companies compete with the U.S. Post Office on a level playing fieldinstead of Congress won't let private companies compete with the U.S. Post Officebecause private companies are allowed to deliver mail and compete with the U.S. Postal Service. 116°F Wed???I didn't think it was that hot Wednesday, but according to this aritlcle it was 116°F. The reason it has felt so hot recently is because of the humidity.Source Did Jared Loughner understand the plea bargain he just accepted???From this article I wonder if Loughner was sane enough to accept the plea bargain he just took???It sounds like he may be nuttier then a fruit cake and may not have really understood the plea bargain he just accepted which will put him in prison for the rest of his life. I wonder if the Federal prosecutors let him take the plea bargain because they think he is incapable of being sane enough for the duration of any trial he would have??? Jackbooted rent-a-pig violates Clay Thompson's rightsAccording to this article Clay Thompson had his Constitutional rights violated by a jackbooted rent-a-cop in the Encanto neighborhood.Well Clay, I can understand how you feel. I have my constitutional rights violated a number of time by jackbooted police thugs who are members of the Phoenix Police, the Tempe Police, the Scottsdale Police, the ASU Police, the Mesa Police and the Mesa Community College police. The only good news is that when civilians violate your rights you can sometimes get them punished for their crimes. Something that rarely happens when real police criminals that work for the government violate your rights. "Drug war" kills dozens in Acapulco, San Luis Potosi, Mexico CityAccording to this article the insane "war on drugs" has recently caused the deaths of dozens of people in Acapulco, San Luis Potosi and Mexico City.Ellen Davis wants to turn America into a gun free police state???![]() Like most gun grabber Ellen Davis says "she is not against individuals having guns" ... but "assault weapons are such a risk to society that they need to be controlled". And from this article it sounds like she considers a Glock handgun to be an "assault weapon" that needs to be controlled. Don't laugh, nut job Harry J. Anslinger is pretty much totally responsible for creating America's "Drug War" and turning America into a "drug free" police state. Phoenix officers demoted over video file $2.9 million claimAccording to this article Four Phoenix police officers accused of showing photos of corpses in a video slide show during a holiday party have filed a $2.9 million notice of claim against the city.Those 4 cops are Officers Courtney Mayo, Howard Pacifico, Brandy Villareal and Jeffrey Johnson. The department suspended and demoted the officers, formerly part of the night detective squad, earlier this year after receiving an anonymous complaint about the video. Their unit had worked non-criminal deaths, such as suicides, drug overdoses and grisly car accidents. More info Phoenix Police Officer Christopher J. Wilson homosexual affairs with with teenagers![]() Personally I think that any and all consensual sexual relationships should be legal, but sadly the government classifies it as a crime when an adult has consensual sex with a person under 18. My problem with this issue is that it is another case of our government masters saying "Do as I say, not as I do". Glendale mayoral candidate stealing signs and assaulting opponent???According to this article at least one candidate for Mayor in Glendale, Arizona is stealing the other candidates political signs.The article also says that Glendale Mayor candidate Walt Opaska was also assault when he tried to get his signs back. Remember these twits think they know how to run our lives better then we do!!!!! And of course they also claim to be more moral and ethical then the rest of us. Drone pilots gaining stature in Air ForceAccording to this article drone pilots in the US Air Force who murder women and children with joy sticks at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas, Nevada are almost up to the same stature as real pilots who murder woman and children in Afghanistan and Iraq with real fighter bombers.Arizona Commerce Authority CEO Don Cardon's bonus stirs questionsYou have to admit that our royal government masters pay themselves rather well.According to this article Arizona Commerce Authority CEO Don Cardon was paid $300,000 a year and was eligible to receive a discretionary bonus of up to $75,000. Ted Werner thinks light rail is on strong financial footing!!!From this letter to the editor it sounds like Ted Werner of Mesa thinks that light rail is on strong financial footing!!!Look Ted, you probably don't know this but every time somebody hops on the money losing light rail choo choo train and pays $1.75 for a single ride it costs the government over $15 to provide that ride. If you think losing $13.25 every time a customer uses the service of light rail means light rail is on "strong financial footing" I have some land I would love to sell you in Florida!!! Smoke never settles in L.A. fight over pot shopsFrom this article it sounds like the government tyrants in California who want to shut down California's medical marijuana business are just as bad as the government tyrants in Arizona who want to shut down Arizona's medical marijuana laws.Attorney General Tom Horne has a conflict of interest in medical marijuana laws???
And from the article it seems like Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne created that conflict of interest himself, with his biased hate toward anybody that uses medical marijuana. Sadly Arizona Governor Jan Brewer doesn't seem to care that Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne has a conflict of interest in the area of Arizona's medical marijuana laws and has given him a wavier to continue his biased behavior. If you ask me both Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer should resign. They both have a biased hate toward medical marijuana users and can't do their jobs with that hate. Sheriff Joe's campaign signs are all illegal???According to this letter to the editor most of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's campaign signs are illegal.Bike Combination LocksWhen I was a little kid I figured out how to open combination locks.Like most things if you don't know the magic tricks it sounds impossibly hard to do. But once you take apart a lock and figure out how the lock works it's a trivial task. I never have been able to open this type of bike combination lock. They have some wafers in them that prevent you from reading the combination.
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When I was riding my bike in Guadalupe I found one
that somebody cut off a bike and threw away so I took
it home and took it apart.
OK, I don't have a home because I am homeless, so I took the lock to a friends house and took it apart. Here are the results of my dissection of the bike combination lock. I think I have figured out a way to pick the lock, but since I don't have a working lock to test my theory on I won't give the details on how I think the lock can be picked. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is a sexist pig???
The lawsuit, filed by James Hayes, accuses Suzanne Barr, ICE's chief of staff, of regularly harassing male employees. Barr was Napolitano's chief of staff when the latter was governor of Arizona. Mesa police testing high-tech fingerprint scannersPer the 5th Amendment you are not required to tell the police your name. Per the 5th Amendment you are not required to give the police identification.I only know of one Supreme Court case where you are required to tell the police your name and that is Hiibel v. Nevada or Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada. In that case the US Supreme Court said that the police can only require that you VERBALLY tell them your name only if 1) they have "Reasonable Suspicion" to detain you and 2) your state has a law requiring you to identify your self. In those cases you have to VERBALLY tell the police your name, but you are not required to give them any ID. Arizona has such a law and when it was first passed it was a word for word copy of the Nevada law. Sadly most police officers are corrupt thugs and will flush your Constitutional rights down the toilet if you refuse to tell them your name or answer their questions. It happens to me every time I am stopped by the police. I take the 5th refuse to tell them my name and refuse to answer their questions. They then illegally search me looking for ID, which they don't find, because I don't carry ID. And usually after and hour or so of being falsely arrested the cops let me go. I suspect the next time I am falsely arrested by the Mesa Police they will illegally force me to give them my finger prints with this new high tech field finger print scanner. Tempe steals land from the Sussex family???For more than a century, the Sussex family has been living in the small adobe building at 302 W. First St in Tempe.According to this article the city of Tempe and the State of Arizona have just finalized their attempt to steal the land from the Sussex family. The "War on Drugs" causes crimeAccording to this article Walgreens is spending big bucks to stop drug thieves that break into their stores and steal OxyContin and oxycodone.Of course the government is the cause of all these crimes because of the government insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs". Because drugs are illegal they are sold illegally at super high black market prices. And because of these incredibly high black market prices people steal drugs from places like Walgreens. If drugs were legalized these thefts would stop over night because a bottle of OxyContin or oxycodone wouldn't cost any more then a bottle of aspirin and people would stop breaking into pharmacies to steal the stuff. 2 former Border Patrol agents convicted of smuggling migrantsAccording to this article two U.S. Border Patrol agents were convicted of helping smuggle people into the USA.Oops, another drug war mistake!!!!Chicago cop whose home was raided is awarded $565,000 in damagesAccording to this article the cops used a bogus search warrant to raid another cops home in the insane American "War on Drugs".The cop, who's home was illegally raided is getting $565,000 in damages according to this article. CTA Brown Line train and police squad collide on NW SideOnly stupid civilians are dumb enought to crash into light rail trains.Well at least that is what the piggies tell us. In this article we find out one of the figgen geniuses that drive police cars crashed into a CTA light rail train. I guess the piggies are just as dumb themselves as the make out us civilians to be. U.S. soldier in WikiLeaks case claiming harsh treatmentAccording to this article the U.S. Military seems to be abusing and violating the rights of Pfc. Bradley Manning who is accused of the WikiLeaks information leaks where thousands of classified military documents were released about U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.None of the above should be on every ballotIn this letter to the editor Robert Harper of Cave Creek seems to think all of the candidates running for office are liars and crooks and he isn't going to vote for any of them.I agree with Robert Harper and think that on every ballot we should have a "none of the above" candidate. And if "none of the above" wins the office should be unfilled for the entire term. A lot of people disagree with me and say we can't do that because it would make government grind to a halt. Yes, I agree. That is the reason I think "none of the above" should be on every ballot. If it causes government to grind to a halt that is great. It means the crooks at the Arizona State Capital and in Washington D.C. won't be able to steal from us, which is 99 percent of what government does. Feds: Arrests violate Mississippi students’ rightsAccording to this article officials in east Mississippi operate a "school-to-prison pipeline" that incarcerates students for disciplinary infractions as minor as dress code violations with a policy that affects mostly black and disabled children.Low bid on subway station could cost San FranciscoIt's good that the government usually only accepts the lowest bid for any project.The bad news is that the government rarely forces contractors who make those low bids to actually complete the project for the price they bid. And of course contractors know that so some of them routinely make artificially low bids with no intention of completing the project for the price they bid, because they know the government will let them get away with jacking the price us far beyond on what they bid on. In this article the author predicts that San Francisco will get screwed on this low bid for a subway thru Chinatown. No the author isn't psychic, but the author does know that the contract has made similar bids on other projects in the Bay Area and the contractor hasn't completed any of them for the price he bid. ASU machine shop in Chandler open to the publicAccording to this article ASU is opening a machine shop in Chandler that is open to the public.Normally I try to avoid dealing with the government, but since they stole my tax dollars to build and operate the machine shop I don't see anything wrong with using the machine shop. The shop is at 249 E. Chicago Street. I think that is between the Maricopa County Small Claims Court and the Cemex plant on the railroad tracks. Arizona make unemployment benefits more difficult to collectIf unemployment was a government welfare program I would say "great, let's cancel it".But contrary to popular belief unemployment is not a government welfare program. Both the employeer and employee are required to purchase unemployment insurance before a person can receive unemployment benefits. In past 90 percent of the people that collected unemployment used a telephone to phone in every week and verify they searched for work. According to this article people are no longer allowed to use the telephone to verify that they searched for work. Instead they will be required to use the internet to verify their work search. I suspect the state of Arizona is making these new requirements simply to make it more difficult for people to collect the unemployment insurance they purchased from the state of Arizona. Will the cops use a dead mans blinking to frame an innocent person?According to this article the police and prosecutors are using the a dead mans blinking in an attempt to convict the person who they think murdered him.Personally I suspect that there is a good chance that the person the accused of the crime might be framed by this dead mans blinks. The recipe for McDonald's "Secret Sauce"You are probably wondering how on earth some homeless guy in Arizona got the recipe for McDonald's Secret Sauce?Well I ain't saying but here is the recipe. FBI says Insane Clown Posse fans are criminals![]() According to this article the ICP band is going to sue the FBI on behalf of their fans because the FBI has classified their fans as a criminal street gang. Jobs program for shrinks to prevent mass murders???This article seems to say that mass murders could be prevented if everybody in America was forced to see a shrink every week and the shrinks would decide who might become a mass murderer and lock them up.If you ask me it sounds like a great way to turn Amerika into a full blown police state. Doctors target gun violence as a social diseaseThis article starts out by saying that mass shootings are a medical problem, but quickly changes into a gun grabbing rant.Gun grabbers using doctors and shrinks to do their dirty workFrom the previous two articles it sounds like gun grabbers are now switching to a tactic which uses doctors and shrinks as an excuse to steal people guns.The first article, 'Warning behaviors' sought to stop killings, seems to says that shrinks should be used to take people guns when the shrink thinks the person might have problems and be thinking about committing a mass murder. The second article, Doctors target gun violence as a social disease, starts out by saying that mass shootings are a medical problem, but quickly changes into a gun grabbing rant. It will cost $10 a month to view Arizona Republic web site???According to this article it will cost $10 a month to view the Arizona Republic's web site.Cool dust storm hits the ValleySaturday around 5 or 6 a cool dust storm hit the valley. Where I was at it seem more like fog then a dust storm. It was also windy.That was because the visibility was reduced like when fog comes, but it really wasn't that dusty. Source Cops using silly 15 mph school zone laws to raise revenueWell it's back to school time again and as usual the police are using those silly 15 mph school zones to raise revenue according to this article.If you go 16 mph thru one of these silly 15 mph zero tolerance school traffic zones the piggies will write you an expensive speeding ticket. Cops using silly bicycle traffic laws to search people for drugsThe Tempe police love to use those trivial bike laws that nobody obeys as an excuse to stop people and search them for drugs along with running their names thru the computer looking for outstanding arrest warrants.From this article it sounds like the Chandler cops are also using those trivial bicycle traffic laws as a lame excuse to stop bicyclists and search them for drugs. Sadly the Mesa Police routinely use the bike traffic laws to stop homeless looking people on Main Street and run their names thru the computer looking for arrest warrants along with searching the people looking for illegal drugs. U.S. Navy ship collides with oil tanker in GulfAccording to this article a guided-missile destroyer, the USS Porter collided with an oil tanker early Sunday just outside the strategic Strait of Hormuz.Voter ID fraud is virtually non-existantAccording to this article voter fraud that can be prevented by voter ID laws is virtually non-existant.The article did find a lot of voter and election fraud, but most of it involved absentee ballot fraud, which according to the article can't be prevented with voter ID laws. Montini mocks Horne & Montgomery hate for medical marijuana users.
Where is the medical marijuana crime???
Of course that was a big lie from our government officials because the "Drug War" is a big time jobs program for government bureaucrats like cops, prosecutors, judges, probation officers and prison guards. In this editorial Montini points out there isn't any crime associated with medical marijuana or Prop 203. Cross-country tour to point out the failure of the war on drugsIn this article Gretchen Burns Bergman is speaking at the kickoff of a cross-country tour whose aim is to reform drug policy on both sides of the border.The article doesn't say it, but the only winners in the "War on Drugs" are the government bureaucrats who run it and who have created high paying jobs for themselves jailing the people that commit harmless and victimless drug war crimes. The only other winner in the "War on Drugs" are the cartels that sell us super expensive drugs at outrageously high black market prices. These cartels would go out of business overnight if drugs were legalize. Olympic Kinesio TapeI have wondered what all that tape many of those athletics in the Olympics are wearing.These articles tell us the answer.
![]() Cops forcefully remove woman's tampon to search for drugsIf you have not seen cops violate people rights before this sounds really outrageous - according to these articles some pigs in Florida forcibly removed a tampon from a women so they could search her, presumably searching for illegal drugs.Of course if you are familiar with how the cops routinely violate our Constitutional rights, it sounds like a normal everyday thing a crooked cop would do. Well in this case a normal everyday thing five crooked cops would do. Of course if the cops had found any drugs they would have lied and said the woman consented to the search. Women should have the right to go topless, just like men!!!!In this editorial Tom Purcell thinks that women should have the right to go topless, just like men can.Woman, 29, goes topless for equality in New YorkAccording to this article Moira Johnston roams the streets of New York City like millions of other women, only she does it nude, at least from the waist up.“I want women to know their rights and to give them the courage to go topless too,” she told The Daily Beast. “It’s not that I want everyone to take off their shirt, but I’m supporting a woman’s choice to do it and think every woman should do it on her own terms.” NYPD murders marijuana smokerMarijuana is a deadly drug that can kill you.Well the pot won't kill you but cops who are brainwashed to hate marijuana smokers will kill you like they murdered Darrius Kennedy in New York City according to this article.
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$100 million security system at JFK no match for broken down jet skierAccording to this article a jet skier who's vehicle sunk out side of JKF airport first swam thru JFK's security system and then walked across a couple of runways at the JFK airport again undetected by JFK's security system.Neither JFK's security system nor the Homeland Security idiots who probably operate it detected the guy. He was arrested when he asked an employee at Delta Airlines for help. The article didn't say if the Homeland Security idiots who operate the system were asleep, like they have been at other airports. NYPD murders man for illegally driving motorcycleIn this article the cops in New York City claim they "accidentally" rammed a man on a motorcycle they were chasing killing him.How do you "accidentally" ram a motorcycle??? It sounds like the cops intentionally rammed his motorcycle to make the arrest, and of course murdered the guy in the process. Paul Babeu for Pinal County Dictator???This article seems to say that Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu wants to take over the government in Pinal County and become the dictator of Pinal County???For those of you outside of the Phoenix area, Pinal County is the next county over from Maricopa County. Sheriff Paul Babeu seems to want to run Pinal County like world famous tyrant Sheriff Joe runs Maricopa County. Rental car tax for Arizona Cardinals unconstitutional???According to this article the rental car tax and hotel tax which are used to fund a corporate welfare program for the Arizona Cardinals are unconstitutional???Governments love to tax the krap out of people that can't vote. And the reason is pretty obvious, when you tax the krap out of people that can't vote, those people can't boot you out of office for stealing their money. Which is why politicians in Arizona love to create extremely high taxes on things that are mostly used by tourists who can't vote. And of course in this case those taxes are taxes on rental cars and hotel rooms which are paid mostly by tourists. Light rail pork in DC - It's not about good government, it's about moneyThis article is about the light rail pork for a line to Dulles International Airport and as usual it's not about good government, it's mostly about the money.How to shave 68 minutes off of the assassination time of bin LadenAccording to this article the US military wants to spend billions on hypersonic flight technology so we can reduce the time it takes for a cruise missile to assassinate bin Laden from 80 minutes to 12 minutes.If you ask me it sounds like a billion dollar waste of money. Woman arrested for leaving children in 92°F carJesus, don't those pigs in Los Angeles have any real criminals to arrest.According to this article the cops in the Los Angeles suburb of Cudahy arrested a woman for leaving her children in a 92°F car. Give me a break. LA doesn't have much humidity and 92°F is nice weather like in Phoenix. Even more outrageous is that the woman's bond was set at $105,000 and she probably will be charged with a felony. Museum honors passionate Valley concertgoerSunnyslope Historical Society Museum!Sunnyslope, Arizona used to be a small town just like Phoenix, Arizona that was way north of Phoenix in the area of Dunlap, Avenue, 7th Street and Cavecreek.However over the years Phoenix swallowed up Sunnyslope and now it is part of Phoenix. Here is an article about Sunnyslope, and the Sunnyslope Historical Society Museum. I lived in Sunnyslope for a number of years before the government seized my home there for messy yard crimes. I didn't commit any crimes, by the property I lived on did commit the crimes and the city of Phoenix seized my home and stole it from me because of crimes the property committed. Phoenix VA screws up 47 percent of it's cases???According to this article one audit says the Phoenix Veterans Administration screwed up 47 percent of the cases it processed.In the article the VA says they are much better then that and that they process 88 percent of the cases correctly. Big stinking deal. At 88 percent that means they still screw up a little more then one out of every 10 cases. The good news is that when the private sector screws up things this badly they quickly go out of business. The bad news is that the government can't go out of business and these idiots that work for Uncle Sam will be screwing up things for years to come. And sadly we will be forced to pay these idiots. Deputy Maricopa County attorney faces ethics claimsBar ethics complaint filed against Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Peter SpawI suspect if Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Peter Spaw allowed bogus criminal charges to be filed against powerful Arizona judges and Maricopa County officials he has also filed bogus criminal charges against other people.Sadly I doubt that he will get more then a slap on the wrist for his crimes. Read more about the crimes and corruption that Maricopa County Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Peter Spaw is accused of in this article. MCSO: Mesa man arrested in Craigslist bestiality caseAccording to this article the cops spent two months of their time investigating this guy because he wanted to hump a dog. Jesus, don't those pigs have any real criminals to hunt down. You know criminals that hurt people like robbers, rapists and muggers???"Sodomy" and the "Infamous Crime against Nature" which are the same thing were repealed a few year back by the Arizona Legislator. Those laws make oral sex, anal sex, and sex with animals illegal. But then a fireman in Mesa was caught humping a goat and religious twits in the Arizona Legislator reinstated the law that makes it a felony to have sex with animals. Rain wind and lightningBefore I went to bed I jumped into a canal and got soaking wet. That kept me cool as I went to sleep.It's been around 110°F in the daytime which really isn't that hot by Phoenix standards. But with the high humidity it makes it feel a lot hotter then it really is. First it was wind and lightning that woke me up. I figured I might get killed if the wind blew a tree branch down on me while I was sleeping. Then it started raining about 2 am. That's when I left and found a dryer place to sleep. I lied, it's hotter then normal!!!I keep saying it's not that hot. And that it just feels warmer because of the humidity.I guess I am wrong on that. Source Kevin Walsh comments on the Loughner caseKevin Walsh was a political prisoner who was locked in a mental institution by the Secret Service because of his political views.Here are some comments Kevin Walsh made on the Loughner case. Kevin Walsh is also a well know racist. I don't agree with any of Kevin's ideas in that area, but just because Kevin Walsh is a racist, doesn't make it right for the Secret Service to jail him as a political prisoner. Arizona Day of Prayer ruled ConstitutionalI suspect this is one of the reasons the Founders gave us the Second Amendment. You can't expect our government masters to obey the Constitution which is supposed to limit the things that government can do.In Arizona the Constitution clears says it is illegal for the government to mix religion and government. The Constitution says: "No public money or property should be appropriated for or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction"But despite that according to this article a judge ruled that is is OK for the state of Arizona to mix religion and government by having a "Day or Prayer". Fast and Furious: House files suit vs. HolderAccording to this article the House asked a federal court to enforce a subpoena against Attorney General Eric Holder, demanding that he produce records on a bungled gun-tracking operation known as Operation Fast and Furious.Sadly the American President seems to think that him and all his men are above the law and are some type of American royalty. Sadly the members of the U.S House and U.S. Senate also seem to think they are also above the law and routinely behave like royal government tyrants. Dozens of 'innocent' prisoners could be freedAccording to this article Dozens of federal prisoners who are locked up even though prosecutors concede they are "legally innocent" could soon be released under new orders from the U.S. Justice Department.TSA thugs jerk people around based on their answers to innocent questionsAccording to this article the TSA thugs at Boston's Logan airport would jerk people around based on the answers they gave to innocent questions.This is one more reason you should always take the 5th and refuse to answer any and all questions the police ask you. Lawsuit says FBI violated religious rights of MuslimsAccording to this article the FBI violated the religious rights of Muslims in Orange County, California.Will I be killed by a mountain lionMy biggest fear of being homeless is that a mountain lion will see me while I am sleeping at night and eat me as a late night dinner snack or as a early morning breakfast.Mountains lions have been sighted in North Scottsdale and Tucson. According to this article a mountain lion is living in the middle of Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Mushroom growers switch to pot??In this article it sounds like mushroom growers in Rome have discovered they can make a lot more money growing medical marijuana.Saudi religious police build city for woman workers???According to this article the religious police in Saudi Arabia are planning a new industrial city for female workers, ensuring that female investors and entrepreneurs can go to work in conditions “consistent with the privacy of women according to Islamic guidelines and regulations”.Hey wouldn't it be easier to just dump those silly religious laws which treat woman as third class citizens and let women have the same rights men have???? ¿Carne de Perro?¿Te gusta carne de perro? Leer mas aqui.
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Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton breaks nose playing basketballSadly clowns like Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will do anything to get them publicity to help them get reelected. Why did I create all these web pages?Well I guess that can be split into two questions.Why did I create the Homeless in Arizona web page?Why did I create the all the web pages about government bureaucrats who break the lawAnd the answer to both questions can be answered here. Arizona mixing government and religion in foster homes???In this article it sure sounds like Arizona is mixing government and religion when it comes to foster homes, foster parents and foster children.Don't like something? Just declare it a "Public Nuisance" to make it illegal!Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk seems to have an irrational hate for anybody that uses or sells legal recreation drugs.Since legal recreation drugs are not a crime Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk can't throw people. But Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk has figured out a novel way so she can jail people who use legal recreation drugs. Just declare them a "public nuisance" and start throwing them in jail for that reason according to this article. Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk probably thinks she is really smart for coming up with this novel way of eliminating people she hates. We don't think so. Years ago Hitler discovered that by declaring Jews and gays a "public nuisance" he could round them up, put them in concentration camps and execute them . That was also a technique used in America's racist South. Any Black man who thought he had the same rights as a White man was declared a ""public nuisance" and promptly strung up from a tree by a lynching gang that was usually supervised by a local Sheriff, who probably would have admired Sheila Polk if she lived in that time frame. John McCain - Defense spending cuts threaten national securityAmerica currently spends more on our military then all the other countries of the world combined spend on their military.With that in mind I find it amazing that in this article war monger John McCain can say automatic military-spending cuts set to take effect in 2013 would be devastating to national security. Of course this military spending is not about national security! It's a government welfare program for the corporations in the military industrial complex. It's also a jobs program for the generals and admirals in the U.S. Military. People think government sucks???From this article it sure sounds that way.The article is titled Why 90 million Americans won't vote in November and asks people why they don't vote. And the answer is pretty much "Government Sucks"!!!! Stupid criminal breaks into Steve Job's homeI usually don't post articles about criminals, well other then government criminals and police criminals.But this criminal who burglarized Apple founder Steve Job's home was too stupid to pass up. Here is the article about this morons burglary of Steve Job's home in Palo Alto, California. More storms and rain!I was again woken up in the middle of the night by storms and rain.It was very windy, stormy and lightening was flashing in the distance when I woke up. It started to rain so I left and found a place to hide from the rain. The good news was it didn't rain enough for me to get soaking wet, or for that matter even wet. I guess it really is hot!!!!I have made several comments on that it isn't really that hot, but the humidity is making it seem hotter then it really is.It sounds like I am wrong on that. According to this article we are having some record hot weather in Phoenix. Of course I am not complaining. I will take a 115°F day in August any day of the year over a freezing cold 60°F day in January. I hate cold weather. SourceOne interesting thing is that we are having a lot of lows that are 90°F+. That is probably why I feel hot when I go to sleep at night. And of course combined with the high humidity 90°F feels much hotter then it really is. Government tyrants in Denver ban medical marijuana adsI guess these government tyrants that run the city of Denver, Colorado think the First Amendment is null and void and doesn't apply to them.Of course most government tyrants feel they are royal rulers and don't have to obey the Constitution. In this article the royal rulers of Denver have made it illegal to advertize medical marijuana in outdoor places. It doesn't matter who gets elected, we are screwed either wayIn this editorial Robert Robb says that neither Obama or Romney have a real plan to cut government spending.Of course if you ask me, expecting the government to stop stealing our money and giving it to the special interest groups that help the politicians get elected is like expecting a thieve that breaks into your home to only steal half of the money in finds in your piggy bank and leave the other half behind because he knows you needs the money. It ain't going to happen. Tucson & Pima County government bureaucrats are paid very wellAccording to this article government bureaucrats that work for the city of Tucson and Pima County are paid very well.The 1,000th highest-paid Tucson city employee earned $72,411, which is $37,000 more than the average Tucsonan. Pima County paid its 1,000th top earner $63,258, about $28,000 more than the average resident pulls down. Yes, the cops are out to get youIt seems like the zero tolerence program run by the Pima County Sheriff's Office in this article is mostly a jobs program to give overpaid and under worked Pima County Sheriff Deputies jobs, rather then make the streets safer.Sure the cops brag that they are heroes for busting litter bugs and jay walkers, but they certainly are not making the streets safer and in fact are wasting our tax dollars arresting people for such trivial crimes. SEALs don't like Obama's use of bin Laden assassination for politicsAccording to this article a group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives is set to launch a media campaign, including TV ads, that scolds President Barack Obama for taking credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden and argues that high-level leaks are endangering American lives.Mexican Sushi!!!!Check out this sushi joint in Phoenix, Arizona that sells Mexican sushi served Sonoran style.Sushi Sonora Army general investigated over spendingAccording to this article a four-star Army general who was the first head of the new U.S. Africa Command is under investigation and facing possible demotion for allegedly spending hundreds of thousands of dollars improperly on lavish travel, hotels and other items, The Associated Press has learned.is the 911 cross mixing religion & government?In this article atheists say that using tax dollars to display the 911 cross from the 911 attack on New York City is mixing religion and government.Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery to jail people involved with legal medical marijuana![]() IBM mainframes??? What are they????MVS, TSO, ISPF, DOS/VSE, VM/CMS ISAM, VSAM, COBOL, FORTRAN, JCL, BAL, ALC, 3270, SPF, CLISTS, REXX, REXX/ISPF??? What's that stuff????Here is an interesting article on how they are starting to teach people how to program and operate mainframe computers. Yes, IBM mainframes are very expensive boat anchors that are not very relevant to the modern world. But billions and probably trillions of dollars of software was written to run on those old mainframes and you can't just throw the mainframes away and move the software to a PC and expect it to run. It will literally cost you billions of dollars to make all that software run on a PC. Most of that software was written in COBOL. Good chunks of it was written in IBM assembly language, which is also called ALC for Assembly Language Code or Assembly Language Coding or BAL which is Basic Assembly Language and is the same thing as ALC. A lot of it is also written in CICS and IMS. IMS is a hierarchical database system for IBM mainframe computers written mostly in COBOL and assembly language. It was popular before SQL caught on. IMS is also an onlike transaction processing system like CICS. CICS is an online transaction processing system. I believe it stands for Customer Information Control System. IBM didn't invent CICS but bought it from one of their customers. CICS is written mostly in COBOL and IBM assembly language and allows programers to write computer programs that allow users to access the data via computer terminals, rather then the old batch processing which standard vanilla COBOL is used for. CICS programs can access IMS databases. And as I said before you can also do online transaction processing in IMS just like you can in CICS. Ecuador grants political asylum to WikiLeaks' Julian AssangeAccording to this article Ecuador said that it was granting asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino said Ecuador believed Assange faced a real threat of political persecution — including the prospect of extradition to the United States, where Patino said he would not get a fair trial. "It is not impossible that he would be treated in a cruel manner, condemned to life in prison, or even the death penalty," Patino told journalists in Quito, the Ecuadorean capital. "Ecuador is convinced that his procedural rights have been violated." It's not to see that most of the world views the American Empire as the worlds largest police state, not the beacon of freedom and democracy that our warmongering leaders like to portray the American Empire as. England threats to raid Ecuador embassy to arrest AssangeAccording to these articles the UK has threatened to raid Ecuador embassy and kidnap WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.Last night was real coolYesterday it was pretty cloudy all day and of course that made the night much cooler then it usually is.Despite that I soaked my shirt in water before going to bed. I slept pretty well. I was pretty shocked when I saw the high for yesterday. It was a measly 98°F!!!! We didn't even hit 100°F. Today's high is forecast for a cool 102°F. There is a 30 percent chance of monsoons tonight too. For those of you who don't live in the Sonoran Desert monsoons is a big word we use for thunderstorms that come up from Mexico. Eating egg yolks or egg yokes is as bad as smokingMan every time you turn around it seems that there is a new medical study saying that what you are currently do is going to kill you.According to this study eating egg yokes is as bad as smoking for old farts. Did I spell egg yokes correctly? Maybe I should say according to this study eating egg yolks is as bad as smoking for old farts. Military won't let Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan grow a beard???According to this article the military won't let Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan because that would cause moral problems?Public Safety CEO steals $500,000 from governmentAccording to this article Roy McCampbell a life time government bureaucrat and public safety CEO stole $500,000 from the city he worked for.Jan Brewer believes in selectively enforcing the 10th AmendmentFrom this article it sure sounds like Arizona Governor Jan Brewer only beleives in the Tenth Amendment when it suits her purposes.Jan Brewer who is also a drug war tyrant who hates medical marijuana seems to think the 10th Amendment is null and void when it comes to Arizona's medical marijuana laws which are Prop 203 and wants to say that because of Federal law Arizona's Prop 203 is null and void. Jan Brewer who also seems like a racist who wants to run all the Mexicans out of Arizona on the other hand seems to believe in the 10th Amendment when it supports her position that Arizona can have racist immigration laws like SB 1070 which conflict with the Federal laws on immigration. Personally I think the 10th Amendment makes Arizona's Prop 203 valid, even if it conflicts with Federal law. While I am against Arizona's racist SB 1070 law, I suspect the 10th Amendment also makes it constitutional, if it doesn't conflict with the U.S. Constitution. Colorado shooting prompts gun bills in big statesAccording to this article government bureaucrats in three big states have used this summer's Colorado mass shooting to push bills that would crack down on assault weapons and ammunition sales.We need guns to protect ourselves from government tyrantsThe Founders didn't think we needed guns to protect ourselves from nut jobs like James Holmes.No the reason they created the Second Amendment was to allow us to protect ourselves from bigger criminals like government tyrants. It rainedWhen I woke up at 4 it was raining.It actually rained enough to get you wet. It was raining till at least 6. The good news is it wasn't too cold. I actually put on my sweatshirt last night to keep warm. Migrant lawyers say Brewer edict contradicts lawI guess Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks she is King Brewer.According to this article folks at the ACLU say Brewers current mandate is unconstitutional. I don't know this area of the law that well. I do think that Governor Brewer hates Mexicans and medical marijuana users and is using her office unconstitutionally to make like difficult for them. Why???Why not!!!!!The Spanish AlphabetThe Spanish alphabet.B is referred to as be grande ("big B") and the V as ve chica ("little V"). U is sometimes topped with a dieresis or umlaut, as in vergüenza. Some authorities once considered the RR (erre doble) as a separate letter. For many years, when ch was considered a separate letter. Spanish Ordinal NumbersSpanish Ordinal Numbers.Proof of citizenship no longer required to register to vote in ArizonaI believe that this is a result of the courts ruling that you no longer need proof of citizenship to register to vote in Arizona.But despite that court ruling it sure sounds like the government tyrants in Arizona are doing the best they can to make people think that proof of citizenship is required to register to vote in Arizona. In this article federal judge Judge Roslyn Silver has given state and county election officials until the end of the month to finally comply with a court order to make sure that alternate voter registration forms are readily available — forms that do not require proof of citizenship. Los Angeles officials consider hiring porn film condom copI thought it was insane when city governments started creating "messy yard cops" to shake down people who didn't mow their lawns, or trim their palm tree.Things are getting even worse. According to this article it looks like the government tyrants in Los Angeles are considering hiring condom cops to make sure the porn stars keep their rubbers on when they make adult movies. Jesus, don't the government nannies have real problems to solve??? Arpaio sweeps now irrelevantIn this editorial Robert Robb writes about Sheriff Joe's racist sweeps to which are designed to shake Mexicans down and drive them out of the state of Arizona.Fake porn siteAccording to this article a Gilbert man who built a fake profile on a pornographic website to get back at an elementary-school administrator has been sentenced to three months in jail.Robert Dale Esparza gets 3 months for fake porn siteAccording to this article a Gilbert man who built a fake profile on a pornographic website to get back at an elementary-school administrator has been sentenced to three months in jail.Robert Dale Esparza gets back at school official with porn siteAccording to this article a disgruntled Higley parent who wanted to get back at his son's assistant principal has been convicted of two felonies after starting a fake profile on a pornographic website under the assistant principal's name.93 dead in Iraq bombingsI thought Emperor Obama told us we won the war in Iraq.From this article it sure sounds like we lost the Iraq war. Fake followers newest ploy in political contestsAccording to this article the Presidential candidates seem to be creating fake followers on Twitter in an attempt to get then American public to vote for them.Remember these hypocrites are the ones who are telling us they know how to run our lives better then we do. Your boss can find out if you are a medical marijuana userArizona database allows employer to find out if you're a medical marijuana userAccording to this article your boss can find out if you are a medical marijuana user. So can the police.The article's headline is misleading and an employer can't punch in names and push 'enter' and find out if they have (medical marijuana) cards. The employer can sign up, get a password, enter the 20-digit number of a medical marijuana user's card, and verify the card is valid. But I suspect that because many of our government rulers including Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and the director of the Arizona Department of Health Services Will Humble who hate marijuana users will illegally allow the names of medical marijuana patients to be "leaked" to punish them for their use of medical marijuana. I suspect the police department will also illegally leak the names of medical marijuana users to punish them. Did the police murder Chavis Carter because he was a pot smoker???This sure sounds like a police murder.According to this article the cops says they searched Chavis Carter for weapons and drugs. The article says the cops then arrested Chavis Carter, handcuffed him and placed him in the back of a police car. Next the cops seem to be making up some fantastic fairy tails. The cops say that while he was handcuffed and sitting in the back of a squad car that Chavis Carter pulled out a gun that the cops didn't find while searching him and used the gun to commit suicide. I suspect cops when they make up lies to cover up crimes they commit operate on the principle that the bigger and more unbelievable the story the make up is, the easier it is to sucker the public into believing it. This fantastic fairy tale that seems to be made up to cover up the murder of Chavis Carter reminds me of the murder of New York socialite Carol A. Gotbaum by the Phoenix Police at Sky Harbor Airport. The Phoenix Police says that New York socialite Carol A. Gotbaum of "strangling herself to death" at Sky Harbor Airport, while she was handcuffed to a bench in a holding cell. Again this also sounds like a fantastic fairy tail to cover up a police murder. Contract for radar system to detect ultralight drug smugglers???According to this article U.S. border authorities have awarded a $99.9-million contract to a New York-based company to develop a radar system to detect low-flying ultralight aircraft used to smuggle drugs from Mexico.What will the cops do when this radar detects a ultralight pot smuggler??? Shoot them down with a surface to air missile??? I wouldn't doubt it. The insane "war on drugs" and "war on terror" keeps getting insaner ever day. And of course both the "war on drugs" and "war on terror" are really wars on the American people along with being a war on the Bill of Rights. And of course the "war on drugs" and "war on terror" are also jobs programs for federal, state and local cops. Mailman busted for buying illegal drugs while delivering the mail!!!More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.According to this article a mailman was arrested for buying illegal drugs while on duty. Of course I could care less what drugs the mailman takes while on duty, as long as the guy gets his job done. My problem is paying the police big bucks to arrest these people for the victimless crime of using drugs. "Pussy Riot" gets 2 year prison sentence for political protestsThis article says that the Russian band "Pussy Riot" received a 2 year prison sentence for political protests in Russia.What are those commies trying to do, retake their position as the worlds premier police state which they lost to the evil American Empire???
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US turning Afghanistan into a police state???From this article it sounds like the American government is turning Afghanistan into a police state that Hitler, Stalin or Mao would be proud of.Break the "Blue code of silence" and you're firedAccording to this article when William Howard a reserve cop with the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department snitched on a fellow cop for framing a person for DUI he was fired from his job.William Howard fired for snitching on crooked cops in Contra Costa County Sheriff's DepartmentAccording to this article when William Howard a reserve cop with the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department snitched on a fellow cop for framing a person for DUI he was fired from his job.Government is the cause of the problem, not the solutionDarren Murphy arrested for "thinking" he has Constitutional rightsIn this article we see that government is frequently the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem.The 4th Amendment says the government can't search us unless they have a search warrant that was issued because the government has probable cause to believe a crime was committed. Of course the 4th Amendment has been flushed down the toilet and the police illegally search everybody that enters courthouses in Maricopa County. This illegal search p*ssed off Darren Murphy who was prevented from entering the courthouse, not because he had any guns or weapons, but because he had an empty unusable bullet casing in his pocket. If the police had not been illegally searching people he would not have been arrested. Of course the 2nd Amendment is also an issue here. The Founders created the Second Amendment to allow us to protect ourselves from government tyrants who flush the Constitution down the toilet. Government tyrants just like the government tyrants who have flushed the 4th Amendment down the toilet and require us to be illegally searched before entering a courthouse. It's real humid!!!!This morning I rode my bike about 10 miles. I doubt if it is even 100°F but after I was done riding I was sweating like a pig. Probably because of the humidity.Also when I walked around at lunch time I was also sweating like a pig. Again it's not very hot, but it feels that way because of all the humidity. On the other hand with the temps dropping under 100°F in the day time the nights are not that hot even with all the humidity. Also the days are getting a lot shorter. It is getting dark around a half an hour earlier. Sadly winter is on it's way and will soon be here in October when it stops hitting 100°F. I hate cold weather. Jesus loves you!!!!And Father Sullivan loves little Tommy too (in a Biblical sense)According to this article the Phoenix Diocese has missed a self imposed abuse-reporting deadline to publish details of how many priests have been accused of sexual misconduct.Phoenix Diocese misses abuse-reporting deadlineAccording to this article the Phoenix Diocese has missed a self imposed abuse-reporting deadline to publish details of how many priests have been accused of sexual misconduct.A government welfare program for football coaches at ASU???Since 2005, ASU has given more than $80 million from its budget to help run its money-losing athletic program.If you are a student at ASU this government welfare program for football coaches raised your tuition by $147. Read more about this huge waste of tax dollars. “Why medical marijuana dispensary operators should be open to prosecution”In this editorial Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery seems to be letting his hate for marijuana smokers cloud his legal judgement.If Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery wants to prosecute medical marijuana dispensary operators he should resign from his job as Maricopa County Attorney and get a job as a Federal prosecutor. If Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery is going to let his irrational hate of marijuana smokers cloud his legal judgement he should resign from his job and let someone else take over who doesn't hate pot smokers. Mesa City Council wants to shake down contractors for campaign contributions???According to this article the city of Mesa wants to award 20 percent of contracts for the new Chicago Cubs training camp to local contractors is so they can shake the construction firms for campaign contributions.Voter fraud is rare in U.S.Republicans use voter ID laws to prevent Democrats from voting???According to this article an analysis of more than 2,000 cases of alleged election fraud over the past dozen years shows that in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which has prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tougher voter ID laws, was virtually non-existent.The analysis found that there is more alleged fraud in absentee ballots and voter registration than in any of the other categories. The analysis shows 491 cases of alleged absentee-ballot fraud and 400 cases involving registration fraud. Requiring voters to show identification at the polls -- the crux of most of the new legislation -- would not have prevented those cases. So it seems that these voter ID laws were passed by Republicans who were in power to to prevent Democrats who were not in power from voting. Congressional junket to Sea of Galilee - drinking and skinny dipping!!!! |
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says this Congressional junket to the Sea of Galilee was paid for by lobbyists and cost $10,000 per person.
60 people went on this Congressional junket.
Yes, the taxpayers didn't pay for the trip,
but we certainly will pay if these drunken,
skinny dipping party animals who are also
Congressmen pass pork bills for the lobbyists that paid for the trip.
'Walmart of weed' hosts marijuana farmer's market in Phoenix
Of course as always government tyrants Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery threw a turd into the punch bowl by threatening to arrest people that legally sell or use medical marijuana. LAPD beats up Venice teenagerAccording to this article 4 police thugs from the Los Angeles Police Department beat up a Venice man. The police pinned the man to the ground and punched him in the face after he was already subdued.Prosecutors’ Overreaching Goes UncheckedHere are several articles or perhaps editorials on the subject of "plea bargains" or "plea bargaining" in the American Criminal InJustice System.If you ask me the current system of "plea bargaining" has pretty much flushed our system where people are entitled to a trial by a jury of their peers down the toilet. Yes anybody charged with a crime can demand a "trial by jury", but with the "plea bargaining system" the way it works is you can "cop a plea" to reduced charges and get two years in prison. If you demand your Constitutional right of having a "trial by a jury", you will end up facing charges where you will get 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years in prison if you demand a trial by jury and get convicted. So when people are faced with 2 years in prison if they "cop a plea" as opposed to the rest of their life in prison if they demand a trial, sadly they usually cop a plea, even if they are innocent. I know two people who accepted plea bargains for crimes they were innocent of because if they demanded a trial by jury and were convicted they would have spent the rest of their lives in prison. Laro Nicol accepted a plea bargain for having parts that could be used to make a machine gun. He got 2 years. If he had demanded a trial by jury and was convicted he would have spent 20+ years in prison. Kevin Walsh accepted a plea bargain for having assaulting a police officer. After he accepted the plea bargain he spent 6 more months in prison. If he had demanded a trial by jury and was convicted he would have spent 20+ years in prison. A lot of people get angry when I defend Kevin Walsh because he is a racist. But just because Kevin Walsh is a racist doesn't make it right for the government to railroad him. White House videographer a stealth campaign workerIn this article the National Taxpayers Union criticized official White House videographer Hope Hall on Wednesday, alleging that her position blurs the line between legitimate government functions and political campaigning.Congressman Todd Akin - Raped woman can't get pregnant???Please don't shoot me. I didn't say it. I just post articles about the things these government morons do.According to this article here is what Congressman Todd Akin actually said: "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."The article doesn't say it but I suspect Congressman Todd Akin is one of those men who think that woman should be denied the right to have abortions. And I suspect that his insane belief that woman who are raped can't get pregnant is why he justifies his sexist view that woman should not be allowed to have abortions.
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San FranciscoBe Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your HairIf you're going to San FranciscoBe sure to wear some flowers in your hair If you're going to San Francisco You're gonna meet some gentle people there
For those who come to San Francisco
All across the nation such a strange vibration
For those who come to San Francisco
If you come to San Francisco San Franciscan NightsEric Burdon & The AnimalsThis following program is dedicated to the city and people of San Franciscan, who may not know it but they are beautiful and so is their city this is a very personal song, so if the viewer cannot understand it particularly those of you who are European residents save up all your bread and fly trans love airways to San Franciscan U.S.A., then maybe you'll understand the song, it will be worth it, if not for the sake of this song but for the sake of your own peace of mind.
Strobe lights beam create dreams
I wasn't born there perhaps I'll die there
Cop's face is filled with hate San FranciscoSan Franciscan NightsSan Francisco - Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair Teenager jailed for blasphemy in PakistanAccording to this article a teenage girl is being jailed in Pakistan for blasphemy.I got the flu - I was sick all nightI got the flu or something. I was sick all night and couldn't sleep.Maybe I have that West Nile Virus. On the other hand I have been homeless the last 10 years and almost certainly got the West Nile Virus a long time ago. At least 3 times I went back to the canal to soak myself in water. Also I got a big mosquito bit on my arm. It was the size of a big fat quarter. But as I said before I have been homeless for almost the last 10 years and almost certainly have the West Nile Virus. Mormons tried to convert meSome Mormon tried to convert me at a bus stop.I turned the table on them and tried to convert them to atheists. Well I didn't try to convert them to atheists I simply educated them on the facts of why God is make believe. One of the Mormons was very surprised when I told him that atheists have meetings all the time. He said something like why on earth do atheists have meetings when they don't believe in anything. I told him one of the things we talk about is how to prevent the government from passing laws to force their religion on us. More on those photo radar banditsHere is and article on those photo radar bandits in Arizona.Texas teacher gets 5 years in prison for having sex with her studentsAccording to this article Brittni Nicole Colleps a Texas high school teacher was sentenced to 5 years in prison for having sex with 5 of her jock students.The students were all 18. Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down????? 3.1 million registered voters in ArizonaAccording to this article there are about 3.1 million registered voters in Arizona.
A quick Google search says as of 2011 there are 6,500,00 people in Arizona. So about 47 percent of the people in Arizona are registered to vote. Of course you have to remember that people who are under 18 years old can't register to vote. Same for people convicted of felonies. Nationally about one third of the registered voters are IndependentsAccording to this article at the national level about one third of the registered voters are also registered as Independents, which pretty much parallels the voter registration in Arizona.The good news is that the Republicans and Democrats have been loosing ground for the last 15 years and people are dumping their Republican or Democratic voter registration and registering as Independent, which means they did not pick a part. When I became a Libertarian in 1995, Independent voters were only about 10 percent of the registered voters. That has tripled and and Independents are about 33 percent of the registered voters. Michael Wayne Hash has murder charges dismissed after 12 years in prisonUsually when you read about cases like these DNA got the person who was framed by the police out of prison.That didn't happen here. But still it is good news that Michael Wayne Hash was released from prison after spending 12 years there for a crime he didn't commit according to this article. Man behind bars 2 years after judge orders releaseI just made the statement that while the cops and prosecutors tell us they would rather let 100 guilty people go then let one innocent person go to prison, that it seems like cops and and prosecutors would rather have 100 innocent people go to prison if it means preventing one guilty person from going free.This case is a perfect example of that. The courts have said this guy is INNOCENT, but the California attorney general has refused for 2 years to let him out of prison. WikiLeaks and Free SpeechIn this editorial the American, British and Swedish governments are condemned for the way they are handling the WikiLeaks, and Julian Assange case.The bottom line is Julian Assange is a political prisoner that the American government would love to throw in prison for the rest of his life and England and Sweden are attempting to help the American government do that. Neither Obama nor Romney seem to get that "Separation of Church and State" thingAccording to this article neither Obama nor Romney seem to get that "Separation of Church and State" thing.Obama said: "Obama highlighted cooperation between government, which has the resources religious groups often lack, and religious groups, which understand local needs in a way government often fails to do"I guess that is Obama's way of saying he doesn't have a problem with the government giving religious groups tax dollars to solve the problems religious groups think are important. Of course Romney doesn't seem to get that that separation of church and state thing either. Romney said: "We are a nation 'Under God,' and in God, we do indeed trust" Afghan rocket strike hits top U.S. general's planeI guess some people will says Freedom Fighters 1 - American Empire 0!According to this article Freedom fighters in Afghanistan hit an American Generals plane with rocket fire. Of the American propaganda machine wrote it off as a lucky hit. But if that is true why is the American Empire still fighthing this silly war in Afghanistan. It's the longest war in American history, and like Vietnam we are getting defeated by a bunch of people who are almost using stone age weapons. Arizona Weekly WeederHere is an interesting weekly internet magazine.It's called the Arizona Weekly Weeder. Republican Party Constitutional Amendment to Ban AbortionAccording to this article the Republican Party is poised to adopt a platform next week that calls for a constitutional amendment banning abortion, with no exceptions for rape or incest.The abortion language, approved today by committee, is similar to what the GOP adopted in 2004 and 2008. Sigh!!!! I don't know weather I would enjoy living more under a Republican theocracy or a Democratic kleptocracy! The Republicans want to control your thoughts and the Democrats want to control your wallet. Kindergartner banned from wearing University of Michigan shirt?According to this article Oklahoma kindergartner Cooper Barton was banned from wearing a University of Michigan shirt?No wonder the idiots in the "government schools" or "public schools" as the government bureaucrats like to call them can't educate our children. Of course the solution is to get rid of government schools and replace them with "private schools" where parents can refuse to pay for the tuition if the schools don't educate the children. Currently parents are forced to pay taxes to operate the "government schools" or "public schools", but if the schools don't educate your children, you are still forced to pay the taxes to run the school.
![]() No diploma for valedictorian who said "hell" in her speachNo wonder the idiots that run our "government schools" or "public schools" as the government bureaucrats like to call them can't teach our kids to read and write.They have a lot more important things to do. In this article High school valedictorian Kaitlin Nootbaar who graduated from Prague High School with a 4.0 grade point average was denied her diploma because she said "hell" in her graduation speech. Tempe drinking water stinksAccording to this article the water the city of Tempe is pumping into peoples homes stinks.Trust us the royal rules of Tempe says, the water's safe, it just stinks! I got rained onThe monsoons finally caught up with me and I got rained on last night.As I was going home it was cloudy out and it was getting real cool. I almost froze to death on the bus because of the cold AC. Because of that I didn't soak my shirt in water like I have been doing. I figured I fight freeze to death if it got cold. I suspect the cold AC was bothering me more then it normally does because I am sick. I woke up in the middle of the night to thunder and lightning and rain. It started out raining light but it got pretty heavy at times. My cave isn't as waterproof as I thought it was. And the cardboard I sleep on was soaked. I walked a couple of miles to find a place to sleep that was out of the rain. I stayed there till about 2 in the morning when it stopped raining. I then went back to my cave where I finished sleeping. I was pretty ticked because I woke up an a hour and a half late. I didn't get up till 5:17 which is very late by my standards. More government pork and taxes in TempeAccording to this article ASU has a novel way to fund a new football stadium.Of course if it works out as these things usually did it's just a loss leader to get the project approved. Which means ASU's novel funding method will fail and the taxpayers of Arizona or Tempe will be expected to pay for the project. Feds crackdown on medical marijuana in Orange CountyI guess Obama lied about his promise to stop throwing medical marijuana users in jail.In this article Obama thugs are shaking down medical marijuana users in Orange County, California. Cops love ruining people livesTypical pig, they get their jollies by f*cking over people.In this article Sgt. Jerry Goodin says: "Even though we didn't make an arrest, we ruined someone's day or year" Drought makes it easier for police to spot pot plantsAccording to this article the drought is making it real easy for cops to locate marijuana farms.The Clergy ProjectHelp for religious professionals who have become atheistsHere is an interesting article in the New York Times about the "Clergy Project".The Clergy Project is an attempt to help religious professionals who have discovered that God and religion are superstition and want to quit their religious jobs and get started in the secular world. Government bureaucrats pay themselves very well!!!According to this article by taking advantage of one of public employment's most lucrative and little-known perks, more than 370 Bay Area government workers who retired last year took home final paychecks that topped $50,000 apiece, and often considerably higher.Phoenix Copwatch web page take over by the cops???It's been a while since I checked out the Phoenix Copwatch web page but it looks like it has been taken over by the police!!!When I went to the Phoenix Copwatch webpage it was replaced with a bunch of Japanese stuff. I am guessing the police discovered the domain name phoenixcopwatch.org had expired and purchased the domain name to prevent Phoenix Copwatch from bad mouthing them. This looks like the new owner of the Phoenix Copwatch website. I did find this site which looks like the new Phoenix Copwatch web page. Looks like it is a free web page at wordpress.com. Perhaps I should make a public records request on that to the folks in Arizona, Maricopa and Phoenix governments and see if they now own the domain name phoenixcopwatch.org. Last but not least from the new Phoenix Copwatch web page it looks like the Phoenix Anarchists have fully taken over Phoenix Copwatch. That is one of the reasons I dropped out of Copwatch was because of the Phoenix Anarchists. Or I should say the only reason I dropped out of Copwatch. While the Phoenix Anarchists says they are anarchists if you ask me they seem to be socialists who think they are anarchists, not anarchists. More cool weatherWhen I went to lunch it was totally overcast. The sky was full of clouds and it was cool out. The weather page said it was a cool 89°F.The weather page says there is a 40 percent chance of storms now, and a 50 percent chance of storms tonight, so I may get soaked again. Crazy Atheist LibertarianI found this Crazy Atheist Libertarian web site.Looks like somebody stole my name. It is a wordpress.com website Bacon in park not anti-Muslim actThe cops love to turn trivial incidents into major crimes to give themselves a jobs investigating the incidents they create.In this article the cops turn an incident where a woman left bacon out to feed the seagulls and raccoons into a hate crime against Muslims. And of course that silly incident reminds me of an equally silly incident in Phoenix where the cops found some white powder placed on the ground for a cross country race into an anthrax attack. Moon Valley White Powder Mystery SolvedAccording to this article the fire department sent 12 big fire engines to the scene, carrying a total of about 60 firefighters.The Phoenix Police Department sent eight motorcycle officers, one motorcycle sergeant, one motorcycle lieutenant, two field officers, one field sergeant, one detective and a public information officer. In the end the discovered the alleged white powder that was supposed to have been a terrorist attack on the folks in Moon Valley was nothing more then some flour an old ladies jogging club put down to mark the path of their jogging event. The cops and firemen want you to think they are heroes for protecting us from terrorists, but in reality it's nothing more then a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops. As H. L. Mencken said: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." 8/23 Thursday - I got soaked - twiceI got rained on pretty good again.I woke up around 2 am to a violent thunderstorm. Lots of rain and lots of lightning strikes. I guessing 5 to 10 lightning strikes within a quarter a mile of where I was at. The old rule says that for every 5 seconds it takes to hear the thunder after you see the lightning means the distance is one mile. So hearing the thunder after 1 second means the lightning is one fifth of a mile away and there were a number of those. I got flooded bad. I lost the cardboard I sleep on. I saw some guy riding around on his bicycle in the desert at 2:30 am in the storm. Why was that nut riding around in the desert like I do. I wonder if he is homeless too. At about 4:30 am I got blasted by a 2nd wave of rain as I was walking to the bus. It totally soaked my clothing. The rain soaked the front half of me first. As the direction of the road twisted around and the rain soaked another forth of my body. And I guess the water that hit then soaked into the rest of my clothing that the rain didn't strike directly. Here is the article on this storm: Source Craigslist tells Sheriff Joe to buzz offOK, the folks at Craigslist didn't directly tell Sheriff Joe to buzz off. They just didn't answer any of his letters demanding that they prevent people from running kinky ads for animal sex according to this article.Look I am not a pervert that has sex with animals. But if some kinky people want to have sex with animals I think that is their personal business and the government doesn't have any business telling them what they can or can't do. So thanks Craiglist for telling Sheriff Joe to buzz off. Cops - Honest, the handcuffed man committed suicide in our squad car! Honest!In this article it sure sounds like the cops are going to a lot of trouble to manufacture evidence to prove that Chavis Carter, who was handcuffed and search twice, managed to hide a gun from the cops and then commit suicide in the squad car.If you ask me, it sure sounds like the Jonesboro murdered Chavis Carter. And anybody that routinely read articles on police crimes knows that the cops can make up some of the wildest, out of this world stories to cover up the crimes they commit. I guess the cops think that the bigger the lie the easier it is to believe. Now the cops say; 1) Chavis Carter had blood on his hand so he must have pulled the trigger. Well duh, the whole squad car was covered with blood. That doesn't mean the rear door which had blood on it pulled the trigger. 2) The girlfriend of Chavis Carter said he called her and said he had a gun. Well how come this didn't surface in the first interviews. The parents lawyer thinks the cops asked leading questions to come up with this statement of fact, or fiction. 3) A friend of Chavis Carter said he sent him a text message about a gun. Well where is the text message. The phone companies all save these things specifically for the cops. Where is the text message??? I suspect the message will never be found. Gay man sues Library of Congress, alleging discriminationI have heard many times from Christians that their God hates gay folks.I have a hard time believing that since I don't even think the Christian God exists. On the other hand I am positive that many of these so called "love your neighbor Christians" hate gay folks as in this article where a man is suing the Library of Congress for discriminating against him because he is gay. Giving In to the Surveillance StateFrom this article it sure sounds like the Federal Government, which included the FBI, Homeland Security, TSA, NSA and the military has flushed the 4th Amendment down the toilet and routinely spies on the telephone calls of millions of Americans.Was Kristine Bunch framed for arson by the Greensburg police???From this article it sounds like there is a good chance that Kristine Bunch was framed for arson and murder by the Greensburg, Indiana police and spent 16 years in prison for crimes she didn't commit.The cops and prosecutors tell us they would rather have a 100 guilty people go free then to have one innocent person spend time in prison. From the 100s of articles like this I have read I think it is exactly the opposite. I think the cops and prosecutors would prefer that 100 innocent people go to prison if it prevents one guilty person from getting away. After all it's not about justice!!! It's about proving the cops and prosecutors are tough on crime so they can get pay raises and advance their careers. Justice, don't make me laugh!!! The Criminal InJustice system has nothing to do with Justice. The Criminal Justice system has nothing to do with Justice. Why are they wasting Arizona tax dollars to enforce Federal marijuana laws???
Last time I checked both Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery where employees of the state of Arizona, not the Federal government. If Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery want to enforce the Federal marijuana laws they should resign from their jobs as Arizona elected officials and get hired by the Federal government as prosecutors. Until then they should stop wasting our tax dollars in their personal war against Arizona medical marijuana users. Yes Arizona's Prop 203 does conflict with Federal law. If they don't like it they should resign from their jobs instead of using our tax dollars to carry out their personal war against the legal users of medical marijuana. US Post Office - A jobs program for postal employeesFrom this article it sounds like the US Post Office is nothing more then a jobs program for the over paid and under worked government bureaucrats that work then.Friday, Aug 24 - More RainAt about 1:30 am I woke up because of the rain. I split to the high ground to keep from getting wet. I didn't get soaked like I did yesterday.Then again at about 7:30 am this morning it rained. This was some really heavy rain. Enough to get you wet. Again I didn't get soaked because I was on the bus. Phoenix cops demonize JP candidate for victimless crime arrestAccording to this article The Phoenix Police seem to be demonizing justice of the peace candidate Benny Arce for his arrest of a victimless crime.Benny Arce was arrested in July of 1998 for passing out fliers, which featured partially clothed women which publicized a party. So what, who cares. Don't these folks have any real dirt to dig up on him. Sadly Phoenix cop Monica Brown doesn't seem to have any "real criminals" to hunt down. The article says this about her: Officer Monica Brown, requested that Arce serve jail time. She said Arce did not understand the severity of his actions.I don't understand the severity of his actions either and think the Phoenix cops should stop wasting our tax dollars on trivial victimless crimes like this and hunt down real criminals. Arizona Republic demonizes JP candidate for victimless crime arrestAccording to this article the Arizona Republic seem to be demonizing justice of the peace candidate Benny Arce for his arrest of a victimless crime.Benny Arce was arrested in July of 1998 for passing out fliers, which featured partially clothed women which publicized a party. So what, who cares. Don't these folks have any real dirt to dig up on him. Sadly Phoenix cop Monica Brown doesn't seem to have any "real criminals" to hunt down. The article says this about her: In the article the Arizona Republic says that Officer Monica Brown, requested that Arce serve jail time. She said Arce did not understand the severity of his actions.I don't understand the severity of his actions either and think the Phoenix cops should stop wasting our tax dollars on trivial victimless crimes like this and hunt down real criminals. No fluoride in Gilbert water???About 12 years ago the folks in Gilbert passed a law to put fluoride in their water.According to this article it sounds like some government bureaucrats in Gilbert decided that was a bad idea and stopped fluoridating the water. Look, if we are going to have government, our government masters should at least obey their own laws!!!! Tyrant Tom Horne files papers to shut down pot dispensaries!!!![]() It sounds like Tom Horne and his buddy Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery have a personal vendetta against medical marijuana users and are using our tax dollars to carry out that hateful vendetta and repeal Arizona's medical marijuana laws which are Prop 203. Matt Bissonnette is the Navy SEAL who wrote the book “No Easy Day”According to this article is the SEAL who wrote the book "No Easy Day" which is about the American government's murder of bin Laden in Pakistan.U.S. officials seize 1 ton of marijuana, arrest 7 off CatalinaAccording to this article the Feds busted one ton of pot in the ocean hear Catalina Island.A Blackhawk helicopter was used in the arrest. And that looks like all the high tech equipment the government claimed was going to be used to protect use against and invasion by the evil commie Russians and Chinese is now being used against American citizens in the Federal governments illegal, unconstitutional and insane "war on drugs", which is really a "war on the American people" and a "war on the Bill of Rights". India censors the InternetAccording to this article India is limiting social media after civil unrest.The government also imposed a two-week limit of five text messages a day. Authorities pressured Twitter into blocking several accounts parodying the prime minister. The same US Government that is rumored to have installed a "kill switch" on the American Internet to shut it down if American "free speech" gets out of hand chastised India for blocking "free speech" there. Court slaps South Korea for Internet censorshipAccording to this article a constitutional court ruled Thursday that South Koreans should not have to identify themselves before posting to online message boards and using other websites.Lancaster to launch aerial radar surveillance over neighborhoodsAccording to this article the city of Lancaster, California plans to launch a new aerial surveillance system to monitor neighborhoods for crime.The technology, called the Law Enforcement Aerial Platform System, will be attached to a piloted single-engine Cessna. It's basically a radar system that will give deputies a bird's-eye view of what's happening on the ground. The tool is similar to drones that are used by the military to survey war zones, with the difference that those are remote-controlled rather than attached to a plane. Court rules graphic tobacco warnings unconstitutionalAccording to this article a U.S. appeals court on Friday struck down a law that requires tobacco companies to use graphic health warnings.On the other hand the way the tobacco companies try to trick people into becoming addicted to their deadly drug is certainly immoral along with being dishonest. While the solution to that should NOT be government regulation, people who were tricked by the tobacco companies into becoming addicts probably should have some recourse against the tobacco companies. I would have to think about that for a while to come up with a good Libertarian answer. I suspect the answer is something along the lines of allowing the people damaged to sue the companies for false advertizing. Atheist Summer Camp Is Heaven on Earth for NonbelieversThis article is about Camp Quest Northwest which is literally "beyond belief."Located just north of Seattle, Camp Quest Northwest is a summer camp for atheists or children of atheists, self-described "freethinkers" or people not otherwise traditionally religious. Armored American vehicle attacked in MexicoAccording to this article two U.S. government employees were shot and wounded in an attack on their armored vehicle south of Mexico City on Friday, a law enforcement official said.Why are U.S. Embassy vehicles "armored" despite the fact that "attacks on diplomatic personnel are extremely rare in Mexico" I suspect it is because the American government realizes that because of the American government's foreign policy American government employees are hated worldwide. Ron Paul's BackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkBoy Mr. Light on Liberty, I bet you just hate Ron Paul.Ron Paul is one of those Libertarian nut jobs you hate, but the guys got a huge mainstream following and he actually could be dangerous to the guys like you who run the American police state. According to this article the established Republican bureaucrats at the GOP convention don't like Ron Paul's idea of bringing FREEDOM to America, and would rather continue the policies of letting the winner of the Presidential election give the loot he will steal from the American people to the special interests groups that helped him get elected. Liars can pass polygraphs and truth-tellers can fail polygraphsIf that is true then why the f*ck do cops rely on lie detectors so much???I suspect they are superstitious dopes, or probably like most people they want an easy cut and dried answer to a difficult open ended question. This article is about a bunch of government bureaucrats in Colorado who where transferred from other state government departments to the Department of Public Safety which seems to be the Colorado State Police. They were all required to take lie detector tests. 9 people accidentally shot by New York PoliceThe cops routinely tells us that they don't want idiots to don't know how to use guns protecting themselves as a lame excuse why only cops should have guns.Of course in the Empire State Building shooting where Jeffrey Johnson murdered Steve Ercolino these so called professions cops in the NYPD who claim to know how to use their guns accidentally shot 9, that's nine innocent bystanders according to this article. We are lucky these fools on the New York PD didn't accidentally kill anybody in their shooting spree. Hate being felt up by the TSA thugs at the airport???According to this article for a fee of from $50 to $122.25 you can get your 4th Amendment rights back and avoid being searched by abusive TSA thugs every time you to to the airport.Of course to get your Fourth Amendment rights back you have to flush your 5th Amendment rights down the toilet and go thru an extensive background check, including an interview. Please don't think of this as flushing the Constitution down the toilet. It's really a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops. Arredondo case: Defense request for info deniedSounds like Ben Arredondo is being railroaded by the FBIYes I think former Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo is a criminal who belongs in prison. But that doesn't mean I think he should be railroaded by corrupt cops and not given a fair trial.From this article it seems like former Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo is being railroaded by the FBI who won't tell him the nitty gritty details about the crimes he is charged with. Arizona National Guard General fired!!!!Brig. Gen. Michael Colangelo fired for unknown reasonsAccording to this article Brig. Gen. Michael Colangelo of the Arizona's Air National Guard has been fired for unknown reasons.Arizona Republic doesn't endorse Kyrsten SinemaIn this editorial by the Arizona Republic they didn't give tax and spend socialist Kyrsten Sinema their endorsement. Thank God!!!!!Of course an endorsement by the Arizona Republic and \$1 will get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds, so a Republic endorsement isn't worth squat! Mom arrested for not reporting daughter's affair to the policeI think it's outrageous when you can be jailed by the government for not reporting a crime. And perhaps it's even a violation of the 5th and 13th Amendments.But according to this article this mother was arrested for not reporting an affair involving her teenage daughter with a high school teacher to the police. LA cops violating Federal firearms laws by reselling gunsMy gosh and it happened in the People Republic of California which would love to outlaw common people from having guns!!!According to this article cops in the LAPD are suspected of buying guns, which they get a special deal on and reselling them. DNA frees Texas man framed for murder who spent 24 years in prisonAccording to this article in what’s becoming a familiar scenario in Texas, a man has been freed after spending years behind bars for a crime he did not commit.David Lee Wiggins, 48, of Fort Worth was imprisoned in 1989 for rape, largely because the 14-year-old victim picked him out of photo and live lineups. His fingerprints did not match any at the crime scene. Still, he was sentenced to life in prison. After the hearing, Wiggins went out to lunch with about 10 former Texas prisoners who had been exonerated. [The article doesn't say it, but I suspect all 10 men had also been framed by the Texas police for murder and each had spend years in prison for a crime they didn't commit] Lancaster's daily aerial surveillance flights raise privacy fearsIn this article we have more about Lancaster, California's daily aerial surveillance flights which are raising privacy fears in this city in Los Angeles County.Atheist billboards removed from Presidential Conventions because of threats of violenceAccording to these articles atheist billboards that were erected at the Democratic Presidential Convention were removed because of threats of violence against the employees of the billboard company.Boy those Christians are a bunch of hypocrites. They teach you that Jesus loves you, but when anybody comes along and says they don't believe in Jesus they threaten to kill them.
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Will DNA testing free Doug Prade????Will DNA release another innocent person framed by the police???Gee, this case sounds a lot like Phoenix's Ray Krone case. Ray Krone was framed by the Phoenix Police for murder because they got a quack dentist who was also a member of the Arizona House or Senate to testify that the bite marks matched. He spent 10 years on death row before he was freed when DNA testing proved he didn't do it. Ray Krone wasn't just freed from prison, he because a national hero because he was the 100th person to be freed from death row because of DNA tests proved the cops framed him. Sadly I don't have a lot of pity for Doug Prade. You see Doug Prade is a former Ohio police captain and I suspect that Doug Prade has framed a few innocent people himself and sent them to prison for crimes they didn't commit. On the other hand you never know. I suspect there are a few honest ethical police officers out there who don't frame people. Maybe Doug Prade was one of them? On the other hand if Doug Prade is one of the majority of crooked police officers who has framed many innocent people and sent them to prison, if he fesses up to his crimes as a police officer this could open the flood gates and make people realize that the police routinely frame innocent people and send them to prison. Denatured alcohol at Mekong MarketI was over at the Mekong Market and they literally had gallons and gallons of denatured alcohol that looked like cooking alcohol or cooking fuel.Some of it was labeled rice cooking oil, even though the ingredient was alcohol. Some of it was labeled cooking fuel. Some of it was labeled rice alcohol. They didn't call it denatured alcohol which is what I have always called it. In Arizona only cops can make misdemeanor arrestsIn Arizona while it is legal for civilians to make felony citizens arrests, I believe that it is only legal for cops or police officers to make misdemeanor arrests.Is it legal for civilian light rail narcs to write light rail ticketsAnd of course that brings up my question which is Is it legal for civilian light rail rent-a-pigs or rent-a-cops to write people tickets for committing misdemeanors on the light rail trains???All the light rail narcs that the cities of Tempe and Mesa use to write people tickets for riding on the light rail without paying are civilians, who are rent-a-pigs or rent-a-cops. Is it legal for civilian DTC rent-a-cops to write parking ticketsAnd of course that brings up another question which is Is it legal for DTC rent-a-pigs or rent-a-cops to write people traffic tickets or traffic citations for parking meter violations in downtown Tempe???DTC is the Downtown Tempe Community which is a private, non-government, non-profit corporation which somehow has weaseled it's way into writing tickets for parking violations in Downtown Tempe. Tempe has replaced all it's police meter maids that used to write parking violations, parking tickets or parking citations in Downtown Tempe with private civilian employees who work for DTC. And of course these civilian employees that work for the non-government private corporation DTC write all the traffic tickets that are issued in Downtown Tempe. Now the odd thing is when you get a parking ticket that was written by a private civilian who works for the private non-government DTC corporation you have to go to a government court, which is the Tempe City court. The "War on Drugs" causes car thefts???According to this article the number one reason cars are stolen is to be used to smuggle drugs.The article doesn't mention it but stolen cars are frequently stolen so they can be traded for drugs. The bottom line is that if you legalize drugs and end the insane unconstitutional "war on drugs" you will reduce the number of car thefts. The "War on Drugs" cause 4th Amendment to be flushed down the toiletIn this article the police seem to want to flush the First Amendment down the toilet because people use it to advertize for prostitution.Sadly the cops have used the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs" to more or less flush the Fourth Amendment down the toilet. First "man on the moon" deadNeil Armstrong the first "man on the moon" dies![]() Normally I try to avoid glorifying government bureaucrats and thieves, but even if he was an overpaid government bureaucrat Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon so I will put the article about his death on my web page. The way to fix this problem is to get government out of the space exploration business and let the private sector do it. California lawmakers say 'No gifts, please' but accept them anywaySadly this is the typical BS we get from our elected officials.In this article a number of politicians have signs up saying they don't except gifts, but the signs are lies designed to make the voters think the politicians are working for the voters, not the special interest groups that helped them get elected. Cops want to flush 1st Amendment to stop prostitution???From this article it sounds like the police want to flush the First Amendment down the toilet to stop the few prostitutes that use it to advertise their services.Of course that is pretty much what the "war on drugs" has done to the 4th Amendment. That's is kind of like making illegal to have matches to stop the few arsonists that used them to start fires. Sure it's a great way to stop arsonists, except for the minor problem of the millions of people that use matches legally whom you will inconvenience to stop a few arsonists. San Francisco police chief Greg Suhr makes $321,577Wow cops are really well paid. According to this article Greg Suhr who is the police chief of San Francisco makes $321,577.Tom Horne and Bill Montgomery Make Their Move to Nix Arizona's Medical Marijuana LawAnd here is another article on how Arizona government tyrants Tom Horne and Bill Montgomery are trying to flush Arizona's medical marijuana laws down the toilet.2 Pussy Riot members flee Russia to escape arrestAccording to this article 2 members of Pussy Riot have fled Russia to escape arrestUnneeded 1,000 bed Arizona prison contract will go to private firmAccording to this article a contract will be awarded this week to a privat prison company to operate an unneeded 1,000 bed prison in Arizona.I went to a talk on the for profit prison Sunday Aug 26, 2012 at HSGP and a woman named Dianne Post (602)271-9019 postdlpost@aol.com spoke about this. She said this prison is not needed as the article says. She said the main reason the contract is being awarded is these private prison contractors gave Jan Brewer $60,000 in campaign contributions. She also pointed out that about 60 to 70 percent of the people in prisons are there for victimless drug war crimes. Topless woman march in PhoenixAccording to this article about 25 men and women marched topless down Central Avenue on Sunday morning to promote what they called clothing equality, the right for women to be bare-chested in public as well as men.American Taliban seeks group prayer in Ind. prisonSadly over the years it seems the First Amendment has been flushed down the toilet so it only means Christians have freedom of religion, or perhaps only government approved Christian sects have freedom of religion.First Amendment - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ..."From this article it seems like the American government has decided that Muslims who are in prison don't have the same religious freedom that Christians who are in prison have. Officials should follow Arizona's medical marijuana law
Strategy the Christian nut jobs used to take over the GOPAt the AU meeting Dick talked about the strategy the Christian nut jobs used to take over the cop. Here is the straight dope on that.The reason this strategy works very well is because 99 percent of the people could care less about politics. And of course when that happens it is very easy for the one percent of the people who do care about politics to take over the government and then in turn enslave the rest of the 99 percent of the people who don't care. This isn't anything NEW, it's the same tactic or strategy that special interest groups have been using for years to force their special interests on the rest of us using government. Strategy the Christian nut jobs used to take over the Republican PartyAt the AU meeting Dick talked about the strategy the Christian nut jobs used to take over the cop. Here is the straight dope on that.The reason this strategy works very well is because 99 percent of the people could care less about politics. And of course when that happens it is very easy for the one percent of the people who do care about politics to take over the government and then in turn enslave the rest of the 99 percent of the people who don't care. This isn't anything NEW, it's the same tactic or strategy that special interest groups have been using for years to force their special interests on the rest of us using government. 40 percent of corn grown must be used to make ethanol fuel???A government welfare program for corn growers and ethanol fuel makers???From this article it sounds like 40 percent of the corn grown must be used to make ethanol fuel per Federal law.I suspect this is some type of government welfare program for the farmers that grow corn and people that are involved in the ethanol fuel business. Rita's on Mill AvenueThe folks at Rita's Italian Ice on Mill Avenue ran a full page ad in the Arizona Republic saying they were giving away free ice cream all day for one day of last week.I didn't plan on attending because I figured there would be a line a half mile long and it would cost me $50 in my time to get a free $2 snow cone. I was wrong on that and as I walked down Mill Avenue I saw the sign saying free ice cream at Rita's Italian Ice and most important no line. So I walked in and got my free snow cone. I figured it would be a snow cone from heaven, but it wasn't that hot, other then being free. It was just a normal run of the mill snow cone you can get anywhere. When I was in the Midwest I noticed they had a lot of these Rita restaurant which look like a Bob's or Denny's restaurant create Midwestern style, so I was expecting a very tasty, but fattening and unhealthy cone. I was wrong on that.
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The first wordsmiths!!!How do you say politics in neanderthal? |
A found a tree where two owls are livingWalking home every night recently I noticed a tree that seems to have owls in it a lot.Today on my way to the bus I noticed that there were two owls in it this morning. I wonder if those two owls live in the tree. Cops help witnesses select "correct" criminal in police line up???According this article cops sometimes influence the peoples selection of criminals in police line ups leading to false convictions.Tunnels used in the "War on Drugs"Here is an interesting article on tunnels that are being created as part of the American "war on drugs".I could tell the cops how to stop these tunnels from being dug, but they won't listen to me. Hell, any idiot can tell the cops how to stop these tunnels from being dug. Simply re-legalize drugs and these tunnels will stop being dug the very next day. Las Pussy Riot apelaron condena a dos años de campoSegún este artículo las tres jóvenes integrantes del grupo punk de rock ruso Pussy Riot apelaron el lunes el fallo que las condenó a dos años de campo por una "oración" contra el presidente Vladimir Putin en una catedral, indicó a la AFP uno de los abogados de la defensa, Violetta Volkova.The police are mostly trained on how to use physical force & violenceFrom this article it sounds like cops are trained mostly on how to use physical force & violence along with a little bit on laws.At the Chandler-Gilbert Community College wanna be cops have to take 139 hours of instruction on guns and fighting compared to a 44 hours of instruction on criminal law. Arizona election chief, Ken Bennett in Florida on election day![]() Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett goofing off on election day![]() IBM releases new mainframe computerzEnterprise EC12 IBM Mainframe ComputerHere is an article from the New York Times about IBM's new zEnterprise EC12 mainframe computer.San Francisco archbishop busted for DUIAccording to this article the San Francisco archbishop-elect has apologized for his DUI arrest.Personally I feel that most DUI arrests by the government are just a bunch of money grabbing government crooks robbing people of their money for a victimless crime that usually hurts no one. But our religious leaders try to make themselves out as better and more moral then the rest of us so it is amusing that these hypocrites get busted for DUI or DWI. We had a blue moon last nightFull moons are a double sided sword.On the plus side full moons are nice because you can walk around in the desert during the middle of the night and see stuff much better. On the minus side it's a lot easier for somebody to see where you are sleeping and kill you when a full moon is lighting up your campsite. OK, you probably think I am on drugs because I saw a blue moon last night. Just what is a "blue moon". Some interesting letters to the editorCheck out these letters to the editor in the East Valley Tribune.Yuma police ordered to return marijuana they stole from MMJ patientAccording to this article some cops in the Yuma area who illegally stopped and illegally stole marijuana from a California medical marijuana patient were ordered to return the marijuana they stole from the woman.I saw two snakes tonightA snake on the pathI saw a snake as I was walking home tonight. It was on the side of the path I was walking along. It was about 3 feet to 3 and 1/2 feet long.I don't know if it was a rattlesnake. It didn't rattle at me. It didn't seem afraid of me and it continued to slither along even after it saw me. A few year back I saw a snake like this after copwatching. Also this year just after I became homeless again I also saw a snake like this in the desert. A snake in my bedroomAs I was sleeping I heard some noises that sounded like people nearby. I ignored them for a while. Finally it sounded like an animal that was close to me.I started to get up and heard the animal move. I pulled out my flashlight and discovered there was another snake in my bedroom. Scared the holy sh*t out of me. I don't know if the snake was a rattlesnake. Again it didn't rattle at me. This snake also seemed to be about 3 feet long like the other snake I saw a few hours earlier. I continue pointing my flashlight at the snake and finally it slithered off. I was terrified and wanted to leave and go sleep somewhere else, but I figured this wasn't the first time animals were checking me out while I was sleeping so I just slept the rest of the night at this location. Also I suspect that August is the month the snakes come out, or at least mingle with people. A recent article in the Arizona Republic said that most of the people bitten by snakes in Arizona are bitten in either August or September. Good news - Racist Russell Pearce won't be back for a whileAccording to this article racist, police state thug Russell Pearce lost in the primary election and won't be back to terrify Arizonans with his racist anti-Mexican politics.Bad news - Sinema wins primary in Congressional District 9The good news is that police state thug Russell Pearce won't be back. The bad news is that tax and spend socialist Kyrsten Sinema won in the Democratic primary and we now have to worry about keeping her away out of wallets according to this article.Kyrsten Sinema is the government tyrant who sponsered a bill in the Arizona House or Senate to slap on outrages 300% percent tax on medical marijuana. Sick people who have to pay between $50 to $300 an ounce for medical marijuana would be forced to pay an additional $150 to $900 tax on each ounce of medical marijuana they purchased, raising the price of medical marijuana from $50 to $300 an ounce to an outrageous $200 to $1,200 an ounce. Kyrsten Sinema claims to support the "little people" but this tax is a perfect example that she could care less about the little people and only cares about the special interest groups who helped her get elected. While we are on the subject of how Kyrsten Sinema claims to support the "little people" she used to support the down and out people, or at least claimed to. Now some of the biggest backers of Kyrsten Sinema are the police unions. Sadly Kyrsten Sinema has sold out to the special interest groups that helped here get into power and no longer supports the "little people". I got a gun and a badge and that means you ain't got no Constitutional rightsAccording to this article the cops in Blythe, California will be blocking off the highways stopping all cars and demanding that drivers prove they have a valid drivers license in addition to forcing drivers that are suspected of driving drunk to submit to drug tests.Andy you thought you had Constitutional rights. Let's face it you ain't got not Constitutional rights when you are around a racist cops with a gun and a badge. One last chance to stop Arizona private prisonAccording to this article in a last-ditch effort, private-prison opponents called on Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday to scuttle a contract that is expected to be awarded Friday for 1,000 medium-security beds for men.According to Dianne Post, who gave a talk at HSGP on this subject last Sunday the main reason Jan Brewer supports these unneeded prisons is that the corporations who run private prisons and who will get this contract gave Brewer $60,000 in bribes, or campaign contributions. Dianne Post also said that even in the current police state environment we are in Arizona has plenty of room in it's prison to warehouse the people who will be placed there for the next several years and there is not need for more prison space. Dianne Post can be contacted at (602)271-9019 or postdlpost@aol.com SEAL book raises questions about bin Laden's deathAccording to this article there is a good chance that President Obama and the American military is lying to us in the story they gave us about the murder of bin Laden by Navy SEALs in an illegal invasion into Pakistan.According to the article the lies are disclosed in the book "No Easy Day" written by Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette, writing under the pseudonym Mark Owen. Ex-inmate files $6.2 million claim against MCSOAccording to this article another claim has been filed against the sadistic police officers that run Sheriff Joe's gulag in downtown Phoenix which is sometimes called Tent City, although I am not sure if this woman's Constitutional rights were violated in Tent City.U.S. workers shot in Mexico may be CIA employeesAccording to this article the two U.S. workers shot in Mexico may be CIA employees.I suspect this means the CIA is involved in the American "War on Drugs" in Mexico. Well at least when the CIA isn't smuggling cocaine or other drugs to finance the clandestine overthrow of governments our American rulers don't like. Santa Clara County Supervisor George Shirakawa gets bodyguardHey our royal government rulers deserve nothing but the best. At least that's how those tyrants feel about themselves.According to this article Santa Clara County Supervisor George Shirakawa gets bodyguard which will be paid for by the taxapyers.
New Times can sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio for false arrestSourceNews execs can sue Arpaio for arrest, court rules Aug. 29, 2012 12:10 PM Associated Press Two newspaper executives who were arrested by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office after a series of critical articles can sue the man who calls himself America's toughest sheriff. The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday overturned a lower court ruling that Phoenix New Times co-owners Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin could not sue authorities for the 2007 arrest. The men were arrested after revealing that Arpaio's allies in the Maricopa County attorney's office obtained a grand jury subpoena to identify sources for articles about the sheriff. Arpaio and the prosecutors eventually backed off. The court ruled the executives could sue Arpaio for false arrest and violations of their First and 14th Amendment rights, among other claims. New Times is an alternative weekly that is part of Village Voice Media.
More articles on New Times lawsuit against Sheriff Joe Arpaio & Maricopa County Sheriff's OfficeI am putting all the articles about the New Times lawsuit against Sheriff Joe Arpaio which includes the lawsuits of Michael Lacey & Jim Larkin against Sheriff Joe Arpaio into this URL. Of course all those lawsuits will also include articles about the New Times lawsuit against the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office which includes the lawsuits of Michael Lacey & Jim Larkin against the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office.My WillOK, here is my will just in case I happen to die this week or next!I am still a bit nervous about that snake that visited my bedroom last nightWhen I went to lunch today my brain started thinking about the two snakes I saw last night, one of them which paid a visit to my bed room.I am still a bit upset about that. That thought of a rattlesnake crawling around in my bed is creepy. On the other hand I suspect animals visit me all the time while I am sleeping and I never find out about it because I am sleeping. Got hydrogen peroxide??? You must be making meth!!!Well at least that is what the Tempe cops seem to think according to this article.Nurse gets beat up by LAPDAccording to this article the LAPD gave a nurse a good beating for the heinous crime of talking on a cell phone while driving.
Dreams - NightmaresSnakesI had several dreams where I thought there was a snake in my bedrooms like there was last night.Each time I woke up and pulled out my flashlight looking for a snake in my bedroom. The good news was I didn't see any snakes. David DornI had an odd dream with David Dorn in it. In the dream he agreed to stop spreading lies that I was a government snitch.About 10 years ago I found out from Ernie Hancock that David Dorn was telling people lies that I was a government snitch. Ernie HancockLast night I also had some dreams about Ernie Hancock.U.S.-raised woman deported to MexicoAccording to this article Zayra Aca a woman who was raised and grew up in the United States and doesn't speak a word of Spanish was deported to Mexico.When she was a month-and-a-half old, Aca's mother took her to the United States. She lived in Phoenix for 27 years. She attended Central High School. She worked. She got married. She gave birth to two children, now ages 4 and 6. Let's face it government is the cause of the problem, not the solution to the problem. As H. L. Mencken said: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."And of course in this case the politicians are demonizing innocent people like Zayra Aca, destroying their lives, using them to get re-elected and then pretending to be heroes who are making our country better, when in fact they are just government tyrants who are destroying people's lives. Jan Brewer endorses Barack ObamaOf course if you or I made this mental mistake and said this to a cop we would be arrested and jailed for lying to a police officer.But when Governor Jan Brewer does it, it's a different story. Source |
Secret Service Agent loses gun on Romney planeAccording to this article one of the Secret Service Agents assigned to protect Mitt Romney left his gun in a rest room on an airplane they were flying on.Honest Mexican cops??? Don't make me laugh!!!!!According this article Mexican President Felipe Calderon promised to eliminate corrupt cops along with winning his stupid "war on drugs".Mexican President Felipe Calderon has failed on both counts. His insane "war on drugs" has cause the murder of 50,000+ people in Mexico. And of course Mexican President Felipe Calderon effort to make Mexican cops honest is also a dismal failure. If you ask me I liked the old way better. You only had to pay a small bribe to make the piggies happy. And even better nobody was getting killed in Mexico over America's stupid, illegal and unconstitutional war on drugs, which Felipe Calderon brought to Mexico. DNA frees man who spent 17 years in prison after being framed by Chicago PoliceAccording this article DNA tests have freed Alprentiss Nash who spent 17 years in prison after being framed by the Chicago Police for murder.Of course the prosecutors opposed Nash's request for DNA testing because after all, they didn't want to look bad, if it was discovered that he spent 17 years in prison after being railroaded by corrupt Chicago cops and prosecuted by corrupt Cook County prosecutors. Sadly the "criminal justice" system isn't about justice at all. If you ask me it the "criminal justice" system should be renamed the "criminal injustice" system. Carrying a rifle to be illegal in Kalifornia???According this article carrying a rifle in the People's Republic of California may soon be illegal.2 years in prison for killing a cat????According to this article Russell Christopher Hofstad received a two year prison sentence for killing and eating a stray cat! If you ask me that sounds a bit draconian.If Maricopa County Animal Control picks up a stray cat they are going to hold it a few days and then kill it if nobody claims its. So from that I don't think they put much value in the lives of animals that are not owned by people. So based on that it seems like the government is using a double standard when it sentenced Russell Christopher Hofstad to 2 years in prison for killing a stray cat. Yes, Russell Christopher Hofstad sounds like a nut job, but other then eating the cat, he didn't do anything that Maricopa County Animal Control would not have done. The burglary charge seems like a trumped up version of a misdemeanor trespassing charge. From the article it sounds like he was trespassing because he was living in the building. The article didn't say anything was stolen. I witnessed a Mesa cop attack a man at the light rail stationOn Thursday, August 30, 2012 between 4:51 and 4:54 pm I witnessed a Mesa cop make an unprovoked attack on a man crossing the street at the light rail station on.The man was just walking across the street and was in the middle of the street near the light rail train tracks when a cop pulled up with, got out of his car and then used some martial arts tactic that looked like a judo throw to toss the man to the ground. The man who was attacked did absolutely nothing to provoked the attack. Here are a couple of reasons why you should be terrified for your life if you report crimes you witness the police committing.
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Feds - No charges to be filed against Sheriff Joe ArpaioAccording to this article the Feds are not going to file any charges against Sheriff Joe Arpaio.Did you expect anything different??? When there is a slim chance President Obama could win the Presidential election in Arizona in 2012 Emperor Obama is certainly not going to press charges against the most popular politician in Arizona, who is also the biggest criminal in Arizona. Unneeded prison contract awarded to CCA, of NashvilleAccording to this article an unneeded prison contract for 2,000 prison beds was awarded to CCA, of Nashville.When the CCA gave Arizona Government Jan Brewer $60,000 in bribes, opps, I mean campaign contributions did you expect anything different???? According to Dianne Post, who gave a talk at HSGP on this subject last Sunday the main reason Jan Brewer supports these unneeded prisons is that the corporations who run private prisons and who will get this contract gave Brewer $60,000 in bribes, or campaign contributions. Dianne Post also said that even in the current police state environment we are in Arizona has plenty of room in it's prison to warehouse the people who will be placed there for the next several years and there is not need for more prison space. Dianne Post can be contacted at (602)271-9019 or postdlpost@aol.com Show Low Fire Chief is a big time embezzler???According to this article the Fire Chief of Show Low, Arizona is suspected of being a big time embezzler and running off with a boat load of the towns money.Sadly it's the cops and firemen who claim they are protecting us who turn out to be the biggest crooks on the planet. New York City wants to make ice picks illegal????According to this article the gun grabbing twits in New York City want to make ice picks illegal!!!!!!!Hey only criminals have ice picks!!!!! “There is no prohibition right now against carrying an ice pick in New York City, which is interesting because I don’t know of any legitimate use for an ice pick.” - City Councilman Peter F. Vallone What's next shoelaces???? Yes you can strangle somebody to death with a shoelace! Blankets???? Yes, some child abusers have been know to smother their children to death with a blanket? Aquariums???? I know of at least one murder where the poor victim was drowned to death in an aquarium. US Post Office jobs program for government bureaucrats???The US Post Office loves to give us serfs the BS line that it is operated like a private business as they say in this article.Yea, maybe so, but the the U.S. Congress has given the U.S. Post Office a special advantage over other private businesses that compete with it, but still the private businesses like UPS and FedEx still kick post office butt when it comes to delivering the mail. Per Federal law, any private business that delivers the mail has to either deliver it for FREE, or charge 3 times, three times what the U.S. Post Office charges. Despite this unlevel playing field created by the U.S. Congress UPS and FedEx still kick postal butt and deliver the mail faster then the US Post Office does. While UPS and FedEx have to charge 3 times what the US Post Office charges their internal cost to deliver the mail are lower then the U.S. Post Office's costs. Spanish Ordinal NumbersOK, here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.Aurora, Colorado shootingHere are some articles about James Eagan Holmes who is the nut job who murdered 12 in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater.Crooked Tempe Police Officer Aaron SmithHere are a few articles about crooked Tempe Police Officer Aaron Smith.How Latin America is reinventing the war on drugsHere is an interesting article on how the governments of Central and South America are slowly realizing that the "war on drugs" is a dismal failure that is not working, and thinking about both legalizing and decriminalizing drugs.The straight dope on bike combination locksI found a bike combination lock and took it apart to figure out how they work. So here is the straight dope on how bicycle combination locks work.How do you spell dinosaur? IBM mainframe!!!Here is an interesting article on IBM mainframes believe it or not those computer dinosaurs are still around and functioning today.Mike Ross letters to the editorHere are some interesting letters to the editor from Mike Ross. Rumor has it that David Dorn is calling Mike Ross a govenrment snitch these letters seem to say exactly the opposite, that Mike Ross hates government tyrants.Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in PhoenixThis url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.Map of the Phoenix Canal SystemFor your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal systemBabes from the Los Angeles TimesHere are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site lp.org/platformBooks on my reading listHere are some books on my reading list.They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds. A Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaA toc for Homeless in Arizona?IBM mainframe computers???Hmmm.... Just what are IBM mainframe computers?COBOL, TSO, CICS, IMS, TSO, SPF, VM/CMS, VSAM, ISAM whats all that stuff? |