Homeless in Arizona

Strategy Christian nut jobs used to take over the Republican Party

  At the AU meeting Dick talked about how the Christian nut jobs took over the GOP.

He said that everybody wants the top jobs in the Republican party, but nobody wants the low level grunt jobs.

And that's how the right wing Christian nut jobs took over the Republican Party.

They were told to always say that their only intent was to advance the Republican Party.

They were told never to mention that their real intent was to allow the Christian to take over the GOP.

The strategy was for all the Christian nut jobs to get the low level grunt jobs that nobody wants and use them to take over the GOP.

These low level grunt jobs are called PC's or Precinct Committee members.

The Christian nut jobs were told to run for the office of Precinct Committee members in the Republican Party.

In both the Democratic and Republican Parties Precinct Committee members are the lowest level party officers that control the party at the lowest levels.

To get elected as a Precinct Committee member you run for office in your local neighborhood. You only run against people in your party, i.e. Republicans run against Republicans and Democrats run against Democrats.

Typically less then 100 people will vote in any of these elections for Precinct Committee members. And usually it is a lot less.

But the Christian nut jobs knew that by getting control of these low level Precinct Committee members jobs in the Republican party they could then take control of the higher offices in the Republican Party and that's what they did.

Of course the only reason this strategy works is because in general nobody cares or wants these low level jobs.

And the tactic isn't limited to Christian nut jobs. Atheists could use it to take over the Democratic Party. Libertarians could use it to take over the Republican Party.

Sadly this is how government always works. It's because if a small number of people in any special interest group get together and decide to put lots of their resources toward winning elections and controlling a political party it is very easy to do.

The reason it is easy is because 99 percent of the other people could care less about politics.

And when that is true it makes it very easy for the one percent of the people in special interest groups who do care about things to win elections with a very small percentage of the vote.

Homeless in Arizona

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