Homeless in Arizona

Denatured Alcohol - Cooking Alcohol

Rice Alcohol - rice cooking oil - rice fuel

  I was over at the Mekong Market and they literally had gallons and gallons of denatured alcohol that looked cooking alcohol or cooking fuel.

Some of it was labeled rice cooking oil, even though the ingredient was alcohol. Some of it was labeled cooking fuel. Some of it was labeled rice alcohol.

They didn't call it denatured alcohol which is what I have always called it.

Most of the labels said it was 10 percent alcohol.

The labels all said it was NOT for drinking.

It was in all sizes of bottles. They had liter bottles. They had gallon bottles. They had plastic bottles. They had glass bottles.

Many of the bottles looked like liquor or wine bottles, which was what I thought it was at first.

It was in the northwest corner of the store at the end of the fish and meat market.

Homeless in Arizona

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