Why? Why? Why?I guess that question can be split into two parts.Why do I do the "Homeless in Arizona" web page? And why do I constantly post articles where police officers, government bureaucrats, and elected officials break the law such as this web page? The "Homeless in Arizona" web pageWell answering that is the easier of the two questions.When I became homeless I had already been creating web pages for years so I decided to write about my life as a homeless person as it happened. And since I don't have a home with a notebook that I can scribble my ideas in I use the "Homeless in Arizona" web page to write down my thoughts. And of course the reason I am homeless is 100 percent because of the government. The web pages on government corruptionI always have been saving newspapers articles on government corruption, so the very first thing I did when I learned how to make web pages was to start putting articles on government corruption on those web pages.When I first started creating web pages none of the web sites existed where newspapers would put all their articles on the web. Back in those days, I would go back to where I worked at night and use the OCR equipment and scanner to convert articles I took out of the Arizona Republic into ASCII text and then put the articles on my web pages. It was very slow and time consuming. Also I rarely used pictures, because all my pictures had to be scanned from the newspaper article and were very low quality photos. No I don't create these web pages at workThere is a guy down who I think lives in Tucson who has been spreading lies that I goof off at work and create these web pages, but that is a lie.I also think that creep claims to be a Libertarian. That can be verified by looking at the time stamps on all my web pages that were created when I was working. None of them have time stamps during my working hours. It's an educational process of reverse brainwashing peopleMost Americans from the time they are old enough to look at TV are brainwashed by the government into thinking that the government is wonderful and the government can do nothing wrong.That's the message the government feeds the media, and the media happily feeds it to the public. The next step in that brainwashing process is the government schools, which they call the "public schools". Again small children are taught from the time they enter kindergarten that the government is wonderful and can do nothing wrong. This brainwashing isn't a conspiracy or communist plot, it's just how people naturally behave. The employees at the government schools are paid with tax money the government steals from you and if the government employees don't brainwash you and your kids into thinking that the American schools are the best schools on the planet, they are not going to get much money from you the taxpayers. And of course that is probably the main reason the government schools brainwash us. It's a money thing. If the government schools teach us that the government schools are wonderful they will get more of our money. What's that got to do with the police and government being corrupt???When I tell people that the police and government are corrupt to the core they usually treat me like a delusional child and think I don't know what I am talking about.Of course that is because the folks I am telling that the government is corrupt have been taught from day one that the government is perfect and here I am telling them exactly the opposite. So of course they write off what I am saying. Which is where all these articles come in!Of course I don't just tell people that the government is corrupt. I show them newspapers articles.The first article I show them they usually write off as a million in one chance where some how the government got out of wack and did something wrong. They think it's a fluke and won't happen again. Of course the 2nd article I show then exposing government corruption they think wow! two flukes in a row. By the time I have show people 50 or 100 of these articles about government corruption they finally start thinking that government corruption happens on a regular basis. Of course they still think government is almost perfect, down from the 100 percent perfect they were brainwashed into thinking. But give these folks a few months for the data to sink in and they will realized that government is corrupt to the core. It's not 50 or 100 articles about government corruption, it's 1,000's of articlesWhen I first started scanning newspaper articles and posting I maybe posted one article a day. It was a lot of work and took a lot of time, because I had to manually use the OCR reader to scan the article, and then I had to fix up the errors where the OCR software didn't read the text properly.Back then I was probably only posting a little more then one article a day or 365 articles in a year. Since then every major newspaper on the planet has a web site and they post most of their articles on those websites. So now in the morning after I read the Arizona Republic I make a list of all the articles I want to post and after I read the paper I go to the web site and grab the articles and post them. Now I rarely have a day where I only post one articles. Every day i usually have 3 or 4 articles to post. And some days I have as many as 10 articles. So now I am probably posting a minimum of 1,000 articles every year. Probably over 2,000 articles a year. So when I tell people the government is corrupt I have lots of data to back it up with. My data is just the tip of the icebergRemember most of the crimes that our elected officials, police and other government bureacrats commit never make it to the newspapers.The ones that do are just the tip of the iceberg. And of course I don't see all of those articles. I only see the stuff that occurs in Phoenix, and of course since I also read a few other major papers like the LA TImes, the NY Times, the Chicago Tribune I see some stuff outside of Phoenix. But still I don't even see the tip of the iceberg when it comes to government corruption. So I do this to teach you that government is corrupt to the coreSo the reason I post all these articles on government corruption is to teach people that government is corrupt to the core.I have been screwed over royal by the governmentI am not doing this because I am a nice guy. I am doing it because I have been screwed over by the government.The government has stolen from me every cent I owned, along with all of my property and turned me into a homeless poor person. I just post these articles to show you what the government is, a bunch of thieves and crooks. I suspect that is the reason the police routinely monitor this web site, not because I am a criminal, but because I am exposing them as criminals and they don't like it. |