1) First and most important is my desire that that the
government doesn't get any of my stuff.
Nada, nunca, zippo, zero, nothing.
I have been terrorized, robbed, beaten and abused most of my life by government tyrants and I don't want the government to get any of my stuff when I die. Sadly under Arizona law the state of Arizona will get most of my stuff unless I say otherwise. And here I am saying otherwise. I don't want the government to get any of my stuff when I die. 2) A long time ago when I lived in Tempe I made my will out to my brothers and sisters. Back then they were poor and I was rich. Now they are all rich and they don't need my money or stuff so I am not leaving my money or my stuff to them. Of course now I am just a penniless homeless bum and of course I don't have anything to give anybody. On the other hand if my brothers and sisters want any of the personal property I leave behind they can have it. That is mostly computer books, tools and clothing and other stuff like that that isn't valuable. 3) I don't want any of my stuff to be given to any religious organization or religious group. Sadly the religions are just as bad as government groups and I don't want any superstitious dopes in a religious group to have my stuff. 4) I want all my valuables to be given to a charity or non-profit, non-government, non-religious entity that helps abused children. Before I became homeless I used to have tons of money and valuables. But the government pretty much stole all the money I had and all the property I had making me a worthless and homeless bum. |